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This is the [ Bedrock Edition] Protocol Documentation.
This is the [ Bedrock Edition] Protocol Documentation.
The Bedrock Edition Protocol uses [[wikipedia:User Datagram Protocol|UDP]] instead of [[wikipedia:Transmission Control Protocol|TCP]] that is used for the Java Edition.
The Bedrock Edition Protocol uses [[wikipedia:User Datagram Protocol|UDP]] instead of [[wikipedia:Transmission Control Protocol|TCP]] that is used for the Java Edition.
The Bedrock Edition Client uses [[Raknet Protocol|RakNet]] as its protocol library.
Bedrock Edition uses [[Raknet Protocol|RakNet]] as its protocol library.

The default Bedrock Edition port is 19132.
The default Bedrock Edition port is 19132.

Revision as of 09:52, 13 June 2020

Remember that this page is a WIP. Come back later to see a more complete page.

Heads up!

This article is about the protocol for the latest stable release of Minecraft Bedrock Edition (1.14.60, protocol 390). See Protocol for the Java Edition Protocol.

This is the Bedrock Edition Protocol Documentation. The Bedrock Edition Protocol uses UDP instead of TCP that is used for the Java Edition. Bedrock Edition uses RakNet as its protocol library.

The default Bedrock Edition port is 19132.

Information for this page was obtained from the NukkitX Protocol library, MiNET and gophertunnel.

Data types

Size (Bytes) Range Notes
Byte 1 0 to 255
Boolean 1 0 or 1 A Byte treated as boolean, 0 is false but anything greater then that is true
Short 2 -32768 to 32767
Unsigned Short 2 0 to 65535
Int 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647 Signed little-endian 32-bit Integer
Int (big endian) 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647 Signed big-endian 32-bit Integer
Unsigned Int 4 0 to 4294967295 Unsigned 32-bit Integer
Long 8 -2^63 to 2^63-1 Signed 64-bit Integer
Unsigned Long 8 2^64-1 Unsigned 64-bit Integer
Float 4 A single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 Floating poInt number
Double 8 A Double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 Floating poInt number
VarInt ≥ 1
≤ 5
0 to 4294967295
SignedVarInt ≥ 1
≤ 5
-2147483648 and 2147483647
VarLong ≥ 1
≤ 10
SignedVarLong ≥ 1
≤ 10
-2^63 and 2^63-1
String UTF-8 String prefixed with its size in Bytes as a VarInt. This has the same data structure as a ByteArray but it contains textual data.
Vector3 12 Three Float values (X, Y and Z respectively)
Vector2 8 Two Float values (X and Y respectively)
ByteArray An arbitrary array of Bytes prefixed with its size in Bytes as a VarInt.
BlockCoordinates ≥ 3
≤ 15
A SignedVarInt, a normal VarInt and another SignedVarInt (X, Y and Z respectively)
PlayerLocation 15 Three Float values (X, Y and Z respectively), followed by three Bytes (pitch, head yaw and yaw respectively). To convert the Bytes to normal pitch and yaw values divide them by 0.71
UUID 16 A UUID Encoded as two unsigned 64-bit Integers: the most significant 64 bits and the least significant 64 bits

Packet Format

Login process

The login process is as follows:

  1. C→S: Login
  2. S→C: Server To Client Handshake
  3. C→S: Client To Server Handshake
  4. S→C: Play Status (Login success)

To spawn, the following packets should be sent, in order, after the ones above:

  1. S→C: Resource Packs Info
  2. C→S: Resource Pack Client Response
  3. S→C: Resource Pack Stack
  4. C→S: Resource Pack Client Response
  5. S→C: Start Game
  6. S→C: Biome Definition List
  7. S→C: Chunks
  8. S→C: Play Status (Player spawn)

If there are no resource packs being sent, a Resource Pack Stack can be sent directly after Resource Packs Info to avoid the client responses.


Please note that some packet ids are missing, so they don't line up. The following packet ids are missing: 0x10, 0x74, 0x7F, 0x80 (16, 116, 127, 128)


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x01 Server Protocol version Int (big-endian)
Chain data JSON array of JWT Data Contains the display name, UUID and XUID
Skin data JWT Data

Play Status

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x02 Client Status Int (big-endian) The current status of the connection.

The values for each status are as follows:

  • 0: Login success
  • 1: Failed client
  • 2: Failed server
  • 3 Player spawn
  • 4 Failed invalid Tenant
  • 5: Failed Vanilla Edu.
  • 6: Failed Edu. Vanilla
  • 7: Failed server full

Server To Client Handshake

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x03 Client JWT data JWT String Contains the salt to complete the Diffie-Hellman key exchange

Client To Server Handshake

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x04 Server

Sent by the client in response to a ServerToClientHandshake packet sent by theserver. It is the first encrypted packet in the login handshake and serves as a confirmation that encryption is correctly initialised client side. It has no fields.


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x05 Client Hide disconnect screen Boolean Specifies if the disconnection screen should be hidden when the client is disconnected, meaning it will be sent directly to the main menu.
Kick message String An optional message to show when disconnected.

Resource Packs info

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x06 Client Forced to Accept Boolean If the resource pack requires the client accept it.
Scripting Enabled Boolean If scripting is enabled.
BehahaviorPackInfos ResourcePackInfo[] A list of behaviour packs that the client needs to download before joining the server. All of these behaviour packs will be applied together.
ResourcePackInfos ResourcePackInfo[] A list of resource packs that the client needs to download before joining the server. The order of these resource packs is not relevant in this packet. It is however important in the Resource Pack Stack packet.

Resource Pack Stack

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x07 Client Forced to Accept Boolean If the resource pack must be accepted for the player to join the server.
Resource Pack Entry Field Name
Array Pack ID String The ID of the resource pack.
Pack Version String The version of the resource pack.
Subpack Name String The subpack name of the resource pack.
Behavior Pack Entry Field Name
Array Pack ID String The ID of the resource pack.
Pack Version String The version of the resource pack.
Subpack Name String The subpack name of the resource pack.
Experimental Boolean If the sent resource and behavior packs are experimental.
Game Version String The version of the game the sent resource and behavior packs were made for.

Resource Pack Response

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x08 Server Status Byte See below
Pack IDs ResourcePackIds All of the pack IDs.

The values for each status are as follows:

  • 0: None
  • 1: Refused
  • 2: Send packs
  • 3: Have all packs
  • 4: Completed


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x09 Server & Client Type Byte The type of chat message sent.
Needs Translation Boolean If the message sent is a translation key and needs to be translated.
Chat Type ID Text Derived from above; values sent here change depending on that.
0, 1, or 2 Source Name String The name of the source.
3, 4, or 5 Message String The message sent with the packet.
6, 7, or 8 Message String The message sent with the packet
Parameters Array The parameters sent with the packet. This usually includes translation parameters or similar types depending on what kind of chat type was sent.
XUID Optional String The XUID of the player who sent this message.
Platform Chat ID Optional String The platform chat ID of the sent message.
ID Chat Type
0 Chat
1 Whisper
2 Announcement
3 Raw
4 Tip
5 System
6 Translation
7 Popup
8 Jukebox Popup

For additional information and examples of all the chat types above, see here:

Set Time

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0A Client Time SignedVarInt Time is the current time. The time is not limited to 24000 (time of day), but continues progressing after that.

SetTime is sent by the server to update the current time client-side. The client actually advances time client-side by itself, so this packet does not need to be sent each tick. It is merely a means of synchronising time between server and client.

Start Game

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0B Client Entity ID Self SignedVarLong The unique ID of the player. The unique ID is a value that remains consistent across different sessions of the same world, but most unofficial servers simply fill the runtime ID of the entity out for this field.
Runtime Entity ID VarLong The runtime ID of the player. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Player Gamemode SignedVarInt
Spawn Vector3 The spawn position of the player in the world. In servers this is often the same as the world's spawn position found below.
Rotation Vector2 The pitch and yaw of the player
Seed SignedVarInt The seed used to generate the world. Unlike in Java edition, the seed is a 32bit Integer here.
Dimension SignedVarInt Dimension is the ID of the dimension that the player spawns in. It is a value from 0-2, with 0 being the overworld, 1 being the nether and 2 being the end.
Generator SignedVarInt Generator is the generator used for the world. It is a value from 0-4, with 0 being old limited worlds, 1 being infinite worlds, 2 being flat worlds, 3 being nether worlds and 4 being end worlds. A value of 0 will actually make the client stop rendering chunks you send beyond the world limit.
World Gamemode SignedVarInt The game mode that a player gets when it first spawns in the world. It is shown in the settings and is used if the Player Gamemode is set to 5.
Difficulty SignedVarInt Difficulty is the difficulty of the world. It is a value from 0-3, with 0 being peaceful, 1 being easy, 2 being normal and 3 being hard.
World Spawn BlockCoordinates The block on which the world spawn of the world. This coordinate has no effect on the place that the client spawns, but it does have an effect on the direction that a compass poInts.
Has achievements disabled Boolean Defines if achievements are disabled in the world. The client crashes if this value is set to true while the player's or the world's game mode is creative, and it's recommended to simply always set this to false as a server.
Day cycle stop time SignedVarInt The time at which the day cycle was locked if the day cycle is disabled using the respective game rule. The client will maIntain this time as Boolean as the day cycle is disabled.
EDU offer SignedVarInt Some Minecraft: Education Edition field that specifies what 'region' the world was from, with 0 being None, 1 being RestOfWorld, and 2 being China. The actual use of this field is unknown.
Has Education Edition features enabled Boolean Specifies if the world has education edition features enabled, such as the blocks or entities specific to education edition.
Rain level Float The level specifying the Intensity of the rain falling. When set to 0, no rain falls at all.
Lightning level Float The level specifying the Intensity of the thunder. This may actually be set independently from the rain level, meaning dark clouds can be produced without rain.
Has Confirmed Platform Locked Content Boolean
Is Multiplayer Boolean Specifies if the world is a multi-player game. This should always be set to true for servers.
Broadcast To LAN Boolean Specifies if LAN broadcast was Intended to be enabled for the world.
Xbox Live Broadcast Mode VarInt The mode used to broadcast the joined game across XBOX Live.
Platform Broadcast Mode VarInt The mode used to broadcast the joined game across the platform.
Enable commands Boolean If commands are enabled for the player. It is recommended to always set this to true on the server, as setting it to false means the player cannot, under any circumstance, use a command.
Are texture packs required Boolean Specifies if the texture pack the world might hold is required, meaning the client was forced to download it before joining.
GameRules GameRules Defines game rules currently active with their respective values. The value of these game rules may be either 'bool', 'Int32' or 'Float32'. Some game rules are server side only, and don't necessarily need to be sent to the client.
Bonus Chest Boolean Specifies if the world had the bonus map setting enabled when generating it. It does not have any effect client-side.
Map Enabled Boolean Specifies if the world has the start with map setting enabled, meaning each joining player obtains a map. This should always be set to false, because the client obtains a map all on its own accord if this is set to true.
Permission Level SignedVarInt The permission level of the player. It is a value from 0-3, with 0 being visitor, 1 being member, 2 being operator and 3 being custom.
Server Chunk Tick Range Int The radius around the player in which chunks are ticked. Most servers set this value to a fixed number, as it does not necessarily affect anything client-side.
Has Locked Behavior Pack Boolean Specifies if the texture pack of the world is locked, meaning it cannot be disabled from the world. This is typically set for worlds on the marketplace that have a dedicated texture pack.
Has Locked Resource Pack Boolean Specifies if the texture pack of the world is locked, meaning it cannot be disabled from the world. This is typically set for worlds on the marketplace that have a dedicated texture pack.
Is From Locked World Template Boolean Specifies if the world from the server was from a locked world template. For servers this should always be set to false.
Use MSA Gamertags Only Boolean
Is From World Template Boolean Specifies if the world from the server was from a locked world template. For servers this should always be set to false.
Is World Template Option Locked Boolean Specifies if the world was a template that locks all settings that change properties above in the settings GUI. It is recommended to set this to true for servers that do not allow things such as setting game rules through the GUI.
Only Spawn V1 Villagers Boolean A hack that Mojang put in place to preserve backwards compatibility with old villagers. The his never actually read though, so it has no functionality.
Game Version String The version of the game from which Vanilla features will be used. The exact function of this field isn't clear.
Level ID String A base64 encoded world ID that is used to identify the world.
World name String The name of the world that the player is joining. Note that this field shows up above the player list for the rest of the game session, and cannot be changed. Setting the server name to this field is recommended.
Premium World Template Id String A UUID specific to the premium world template that might have been used to generate the world. Servers should always fill out an empty String for this.
Is Trial Boolean Specifies if the world was a trial world, meaning features are limited and there is a time limit on the world.
Is Server Side movement enabled Boolean Specifies if the server is authoritative over the movement of the player, meaning it controls the movement of it.
Current Tick Boolean The total time in ticks that has elapsed since the start of the world.
Enchantment Seed SignedVarInt The seed used to seed the random used to produce enchantments in the enchantment table. Note that the exact correct random implementation must be used to produce the correct results both client- and server-side.
Block Palette BlockPalette A list of all blocks registered on the server.
Itemstates Itemstates A list of all items with their legacy IDs which are available in the game. Failing to send any of the items that are in the game will crash mobile clients.
Multiplayer Correlation ID String A unique ID specifying the multi-player session of the player. A random UUID should be filled out for this field.

Add Player

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0C Client UUID UUID UUID is the UUID of the player. It is the same UUID that the client sent in the Login packet at the start of the session. A player with this UUID must exist in the player list (built up using the Player List packet) for it to show up in-game.
Username String Username is the name of the player. This username is the username that will be set as the initial name tag of the player.
Entity ID Self SignedVarLong The unique ID of the player. The unique ID is a value that remains consistent across different sessions of the same world, but most unoffical servers simply fill the runtime ID of the player out for this field.
Runtime Entity ID VarLong The runtime ID of the player. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Platform Chat ID String An identifier only set for particular platforms when chatting (presumably only for Nintendo Switch). It is otherwise an empty string, and is used to decide which players are able to chat with each other.
Position Vector3 The position to spawn the player at. If the player is at a distance that the viewer cannot see, the player will still show up if the viewer moves closer.
Velocity Vector3 The initial velocity the player spawns with. This velocity will initiate client side movement of the player.
Rotation Float Pitch, yaw and head yaw
Held Item Item The item that the player is holding. The item is shown to the viewer as soon as the player itself shows up. Needless to say that this field is rather pointless, as additional packets still must be sent for armour to show up.
Metadata MetadataDictionary A map of entity metadata, which includes flags and data properties that alter in particular the way the player looks. Flags include ones such as 'on fire' and 'sprinting'. The metadata values are indexed by their property key.
Flags VarInt Flags is a set of flags that specify certain properties of the player, such as whether or not it can fly and/or move through blocks.
Command permission VarInt A set of permissions that specify what commands a player is allowed to execute.
Action Permissions VarInt Action Permissions is, much like Flags, a set of flags that specify actions that the player is allowed to undertake, such as whether it is allowed to edit blocks, open doors etc.
Permission Level VarInt The permission level of the player as it shows up in the player list built up using the PlayerList packet.
Custom stored permissions VarInt
User Id Long A unique identifier of the player. It appears it is not required to fill this field out with a correct value. Simply writing 0 seems to work.
Links Links A list of entity links that are currently active on the player. These links alter the way the player shows up when first spawned in terms of it shown as riding an entity. Setting these links is important for new viewers to see the player is riding another entity.
Device ID String The device ID set in one of the files found in the storage of the device of the player. It may be changed freely, so it should not be relied on for anything.
Device OS Int The build platform/device OS of the player that is about to be added, as it sent in the Login packet when joining.

Add Player is sent by the server to the client to make a player entity show up client-side. It is one of the few entities that cannot be sent using the AddActor packet.

Add Entity

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0D Client Entity ID Self SignedVarLong The unique ID of the entity. The unique ID is a value that remains consistent across different sessions of the same world, but most unofficial servers simply fill the runtime ID of the entity out for this field.
Runtime Entity ID VarLong The runtime ID of the entity. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Entity Type String The string entity type of the entity, for example 'minecraft:skeleton'.
Position Vector3 The position to spawn the entity at. If the entity is at a distance that the player cannot see, the entity will still show up if the player moves closer.
Velocity Vector3 The initial velocity the entity spawns with. This velocity will initiate client side movement of the entity.
Rotation Vector3 Pitch, yaw and head yaw
Attributes EntityAttributes A slice of attributes that the entity has. It includes attributes such as its health, movement speed, etc.
Metadata MetadataDictionary A map of entity metadata, which includes flags and data properties that alter in particular the way the entity looks. Flags include ones such as 'on fire' and 'sprinting'. The metadata values are indexed by their property key.
Links Links A list of entity links that are currently active on the entity. These links alter the way the entity shows up when first spawned in terms of it shown as riding an entity. Setting these links is important for new viewers to see the entity is riding another entity.

Sent by the server to the client to spawn an entity to the player. It is used for every entity except other players, paintings and items, for which the Add Player, Add Painting and Add Item Entity packets are used.

Remove Entity

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0E Client Unique Entity Id SignedVarLong The unique ID of the entity to be removed. The unique ID is a value that remains consistent across different sessions of the same world, but most unofficial servers simply fill the runtime ID of the entity out for this field.

Sent by the server to remove an entity that currently exists in the world from the client-side. Sending this packet if the client cannot already see this entity will have no effect.

Add Item Entity

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0F Client Entity ID Self SignedVarLong The unique ID of the entity. The unique ID is a value that remains consistent across different sessions of the same world, but most unofficial servers simply fill the runtime ID of the entity out for this field.
Runtime Entity ID VarLong The runtime ID of the entity. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Item Item The item that is spawned. It must have a valid ID for it to show up client-side. If it is not a valid item, the client will crash when coming near.
Position Vector3 The position to spawn the entity on. If the entity is at a distance that the player cannot see, the entity will still show up if the player moves closer.
Velocity Vector3 The initial velocity the entity spawns with. This velocity will initiate client side movement of the entity.
Metadata MetadataDictionary A map of entity metadata, which includes flags and data properties that alter in particular the way the entity looks. Flags include ones such as 'on fire' and 'sprinting'. The metadata values are indexed by their property key.
Is From Fishing Boolean Specifies if the item was obtained by fishing it up using a fishing rod. It is not clear why the client needs to know this.

Sent by the server to the client to make an item entity show up. It is one of the few entities that cannot be sent using the AddActor packet.

Take Item Entity

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x11 Client Item Runtime Entity Id VarLong the entity runtime ID of the item that is being taken by another entity. It will disappear to viewers after showing the pick-up animation.
Runtime Entity Id VarLong The runtime ID of the entity that took the item, which is usually a player, but could be another entity like a zombie too.

Sent by the server when a player picks up an item entity. It makes the item entity disappear to viewers and shows the pick-up animation.

Move Entity Absolute

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x12 Server & Client Runtime entity id VarLong The runtime ID of the entity. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Flags byte A combination of flags that specify details of the movement. See below for more info.
Position PlayerLocation
Field Bit Notes
On ground 0x01 If the entity is touching the ground
Telported 0x02

Sent by the server to move an entity to an absolute position. It is typically used for movements where high accuracy isn't needed, such as for long range teleporting. This packet is also sent by the client when riding a horse/donkey.

Move Player

Sent by players to send their movement to the server, and by the server to update the movement of player entities to other players.

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x13 Server & Client Runtime entity id VarLong The runtime ID of the player. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Position Vector3
Rotation Vector3 Pitch, yaw and head yaw
Mode Byte
On ground Boolean Specifies if the player is considered on the ground. Note that proxies or hacked clients could fake this to always be true, so it should not be taken for granted.
Riding runtime entity id Float The runtime ID of the entity that the player might currently be riding. If not riding, this should be left 0.
Teleportation cause VarLong See below. Only needs to exist if Mode cause is 2 (teleport).
Entity type Byte Only needs to exist if Mode cause is 2 (teleport).


  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Reset
  • 2: Teleport
  • 3: Rotation

Teleportation causes:

  • 0: Unknown
  • 1: Projectile
  • 2: Chorus fruit
  • 3: Command
  • 4: Behavior

Rider Jump

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x14 Server & Client Jump Strength SignedVarInt The strength of the jump, depending on how long the rider has held the jump button.

Sent by the client to the server when it jumps while riding an entity that has the WASDControlled entity flag set, for example when riding a horse. According to MiNET this can also be sent from the server to the client, but details on this are unknown.

Update Block

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x15 Client Coordinates BlockCoordinates The block position at which a block is updated.
Block Runtime ID VarInt The runtime ID of the block that is placed at Position after sending the packet to the client. The runtime ID must point to a block sent in the list in the Start Game packet.
Flags VarInt See below. Flags is a combination of flags that specify the way the block is updated client-side. It is a combination of the flags below, but typically sending only the Network flag is sufficient.
Layer VarInt The world layer on which the block is updated. In Bedrock, multiple blocks can be put in the same location using layers. The second layer is usually used for liquids, so blocks can be inside a liquid. For most blocks, this is the first layer, as that layer is the default layer to place blocks on, but for blocks inside of each other, this differs. As this system is designed with liquids, there may be bugs when using this to place blocks inside each other. For example, placing an interactable block such as an item frame on the second layer can cause a game crash if the player tries to interact with it.
Field Bit Notes
Neighbors 0x01
Network 0x02
No Graphic 0x04
Priority 0x08

Sent by the server to update a block client-side, without resending the entire chunk that the block is located in. It is particularly useful for small modifications like block breaking/placing.

Add Painting

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x16 Client Unique Entity Id SignedVarLong The unique ID of the entity. The unique ID is a value that remains consistent across different sessions of the same world, but most unofficial servers simply fill the runtime ID of the entity out for this field.
Runtime Entity Id VarLong The runtime ID of the entity. The runtime ID is unique for each world session, and entities are generally identified in packets using this runtime ID.
Position Vector3 The position to spawn the entity at. If the entity is at a distance that the player cannot see, the entity will still show up if the player moves closer.
Direction SignedVarInt The facing direction of the painting. See below.
Name String This is the name of the painting (e.g. BurningSkull). See below.

Valid facing values:

  • 0 - Facing towards positive Z (south)
  • 1 - Facing towards negative X (west)
  • 2 - Facing towards negative Z (north)
  • 3 - Facing towards positive X (east)

Valid name values:

  • Kebab
  • Aztec
  • Alban
  • Aztec
  • Aztec2
  • Bomb
  • Plant
  • Wasteland
  • Wanderer
  • Graham
  • Pool
  • Courbet
  • Sunset
  • Sea
  • Creebet
  • Match
  • Bust
  • Stage
  • Void
  • SkullAndRoses
  • Wither
  • Fighters
  • Skeleton
  • DonkeyKong
  • PoInter
  • Pigscene
  • BurningSkull

Tick Sync

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x17 Server & Client Request Timestamp Boolean
Response Timestamp Boolean

Level Sound Event (1)

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x18 Server & Client Sound ID Byte
Position Vector3
Block Id SignedVarInt
Entity Type SignedVarInt
Is baby mob Boolean
Is global Boolean

Level Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x19 Client Event ID SignedVarInt
Position Vector3
Data SignedVarInt

Block Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1A Client Block Position BlockCoordinates
Event Type SignedVarInt
Event Data SignedVarInt

Entity Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1B Server & Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Event ID Byte
Data SignedVarInt

Mob Effect

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1C Client Runtime entity id VarLong
Event Byte
Effect id SignedVarInt
Amplifier SignedVarInt
Particles Boolean
Duration SignedVarInt


  • 0: None
  • 1: Add
  • 2: Modify
  • 3: Remove

Update Attributes

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1D Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Attributes PlayerAttributes

Inventory Transaction

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1E Server & Client Transaction Transaction

Mob Equipment

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1F Server & Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Item Item
Slot Byte
Selected Slot Byte
Windows Id Byte

Mob Armor Equipment

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x20 Server & Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Helmet Item
Chestplate Item
Leggings Item
Boots Item


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x21 Server & Client Action ID Byte
Target Runtime Entity ID VarLong

Block Pick Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x22 Server Block Position X SignedVarInt
Block Position Y SignedVarInt
Block Position Z SignedVarInt
Add User Data bool Whether there should be NBT data in the picked block (activated by pressing Ctrl on default keyboard controls)
Hotbar Slot Byte

The Bedrock client sends the position of the block. It expects the server to decide the block to pick and add it to the inventory or switch the hotbar slot if needed.

Entity Pick Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x23 Server Runtime Entity Id Unsigned Long
Hotbar Slot Byte

Player Action

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x24 Server Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Action ID SignedVarInt
Coordinates BlockCoordinates
Face SignedVarInt

Entity Fall

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x25 Server Runtime Entity Id VarLong
Fall Distance Float
In Void Boolean

Hurt Armor

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x26 Client Health SignedVarInt

Set Entity Data

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x27 Server & Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Metadata MetadataDictionary

Set Entity Motion

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x28 Server & Client Runtime Entity Id VarLong
Motion X Vector3
Motion Y Float
Motion Z Float

Set Entity Link

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x29 Client Ridden ID SignedVarLong
Rider ID SignedVarLong
Link Type Byte
Unknown Byte

Set Health

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2A Client Health SignedVarInt

Set Spawn Position

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2B Client Spawn Type SignedVarInt
Coordinates BlockCoordinates
Forced Boolean


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2C Server & Client Action ID SignedVarInt
Runtime Entity ID VarLong


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2D Server & Client Position Vector3
Runtime Entity Id Byte
Runtime Entity ID VarLong

Container Open

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2E Client Window Id Byte
Type Byte
Block Position BlockCoordinates
Unique Entity Id SignedVarLong

Bedrock needs either a valid block position, with an actual block at that position, or an entity ID for this to work. The entity must have CONTAINER_BASE_SIZE metadata, or the block must be a container. The entity ID is used for minecart chests etc. but any entity will work. If the entity has NAMETAG metadata this will be used as the container name.

Container Close

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2F Server & Client Window Id Byte

Player Hotbar

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x30 Server & Client Selected Hotbar Slot VarInt
Container Id Byte
Select Hotbar Slot Boolean

Inventory Content

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x31 Server & Client Inventory Id VarInt
Input ItemStacks

Inventory Slot

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x32 Server & Client Inventory Id VarInt
Slot VarInt
Item Item

Container Set Data

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x33 Client Window Id Byte
Property SignedVarInt
Value SignedVarInt

Crafting Data

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x34 Client Recipes Recipes
Potion type recipes PotionTypeRecipe[]
potion container recipes PotionContainerChangeRecipe[]
Is Clean Boolean

Crafting Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x35 Server & Client Window ID Byte
Recipe Type SignedVarInt
Recipe ID UUID
Input ItemStacks
Result ItemStacks

GUI Data Pick Item

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x36 Client
Item name String The name of the item that shows up in the top part of the popup that shows up when selecting an item. It is shown as if an item was selected by the player itself.
Item effects String The line under the Item name, where the effects of the item are usually situated.
Hotbar Slot int The hot bar slot to be selected/picked. This does not currently work, so it does not matter what number this is.

Sent by the server to make the client 'select' a hotbar slot. It currently appears to be broken however, and does not actually set the selected slot to the hotbar slot set in the packet.

Adventure Settings

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x37 Server & Client Flags VarInt
Command permission VarInt
Action permissions VarInt
Permission level VarInt
Custom stored permissions VarInt
User Id Boolean

Block Entity Data

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x38 Server & Client Coordinates BlockCoordinates
NamedTag NBT

Player Input

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x39 Server Motion X Float
Motion Z Float
Jumping Boolean
Sneaking Boolean

Level Chunk

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x3A Client Chunk X SignedVarInt
Chunk Z SignedVarInt
Sub Chunk Count VarInt
Cache Enabled Boolean
Chunk Data ByteArray

Set Commands Enabled

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x3B Client Commands enabled Boolean

Set Difficulty

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x3C Client Difficulty VarInt

Change Dimension

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x3D Client Dimension SignedVarInt
Position X Vector3
Position Y Boolean
Position Z Float
Respawn Boolean

Set Player Game Type

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x3E Server & Client Game mode SignedVarInt

Player List

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x3F Client Records PlayerRecords

Simple Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x40 Client Event Type Unsigned Short


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x41 Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Event data SignedVarInt
Event type Byte

Spawn Experience Orb

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x42 Client Position Vector3
Count SignedVarInt

Map Item Data

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x43 Client MapInfo MapInfo

Map Info Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x44 Server & Client Unique Map Id SignedVarLong

Request Chunk Radius

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x45 Server & Client Chunk radius SignedVarInt

Chunk Radius Updated

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x46 Client Chunk radius SignedVarInt

ItemFrame Drop Item

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x47 Server & Client Block Position BlockCoordinates See note below.

According to the NukkitX Protocol, the server sends the Y coordinate divided by two, and negative if needs to be subtracted by one. Example:

   Int y;
   if (packet.getBlockPosition().getY() > 0) {
       y = packet.getBlockPosition().getY() * 2;
   } else {
       y = (packet.getBlockPosition().getY() * -2) - 1;

Game Rules Changed

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x48 Client Rules GameRules


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x49 Client Camera Unique Entity Id SignedVarLong
Player Unique Entity Id SignedVarLong

Boss Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x4A Client Boss Entity ID SignedVarLong
Event Type VarInt

Show Credits

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x4B Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Status SignedVarInt

Available Commands

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x4C Client

Command Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x4D Server Command String
Command type VarInt
Request ID String
Unknown Boolean

CommandBlock Update

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x4E Server Is Block Boolean

Command Output

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x4F Client

Update Trade

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x50 Client Window ID Byte
Window Type Byte
Unknown0 VarInt
Unknown1 VarInt
Unknown2 VarInt
Is Willing Boolean
Trader Entity ID SignedVarLong
Player Entity ID SignedVarLong
Display Name String
NamedTag NBT

Update Equip

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x51 Client Window ID Byte
Window Type Byte
Unknown Byte
Entity ID SignedVarLong
NamedTag NBT

Resource Pack Data Info

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x52 Client Package ID String
Max Chunk Size Unsigned Int
Chunk Count Unsigned Int
Compressed Package Size Unsigned Long
Hash ByteArray
Is Premium Boolean
Pack Type Byte

Resource Pack Chunk Data

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x53 Client Package ID String
Chunk Index Unsigned Int
Progress Unsigned Long
Payload ByteArray

Resource Pack Chunk Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x54 Server Package ID String
Chunk Index Unsigned Int


Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x55 Client Address String
Port Unsigned Short

Play Sound

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x56 Client Sound name String
Sound position Position
Volume Float
Pitch Float

Stop Sound

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x57 Client Sound Name String
Stopping All Sound Boolean

Set Title

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x58 Client Type SignedVarInt
Text String
Fade In Time SignedVarInt
Stay Time SignedVarInt
Fade Out Time SignedVarInt

Add Behavior Tree

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x59 Client Behavior Tree Json String

Structure Block Update

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5A Client

Show Store Offer

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5B Client Offer Id String
Shown To All Boolean

Purchase Receipt

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5C Server

Player Skin

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5D Server & Client UUID UUID
Skin Skin
Skin Name String
Old Skin Name String

Sub Client Login

Sent when an additional player attempts to join from a split screen session. The contents of the chain data and skin data fields use the same format as the Login packet, and can be decoded the same way.

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5E Server Chain data JSON array of JWT Data Contains the display name, UUID and XUID
Skin data JWT Data

Automation Client Connect

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5F Client Address String

Set Last Hurt By

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x60 Client Entity Type Id VarInt

Book Edit

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x61 Client

NPC Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x62 Server & Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Unknown0 Byte
Unknown1 String
Unknown2 Byte

Photo Transfer

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x63 Server File name String
Image data String
Unknown2 String

Model Form Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x64 Client Form Id VarInt
Form Data String

Model Form Response

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x65 Server Form Id VarInt
Form Data String

Server Settings Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x66 Server

Server Settings Response

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x67 Client Form Id VarLong
Form Data String

Show Profile

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x68 Client Xuid String

Set Default Game Type

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x69 Client Game mode VarInt

Remove Objective

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6A Client Objective Id String

Set Display Objective

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6B Client Display Slot String
Objective Id String
Display Name String
Criteria String
Sort Order SignedVarInt

Set Score

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6C Client Entries ScoreEntries

Lab Table

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6D Server & Client Unknown Byte 0 Byte
Block Entity Position X VarInt
Block Entity Position Y VarInt
Block Entity Position Z VarInt
Reaction Type Byte

Update Block Synced

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6E Client Coordinates BlockCoordinates
Block Runtime ID VarInt
Block Priority VarInt
Data Layer ID VarInt
Unknown0 VarLong
Unknown1 VarLong

Move Entity Delta

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6F Client Runtime Entity ID VarLong
Flags Unsigned Short

Set Scoreboard Identity

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x70 Client Entries ScoreboardIdentityEntries

Set Local Player As Initialized

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x71 Server Runtime Entity Id VarLong

Update Soft Enum

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x72 Client

Network Stack Latency

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x73 Server & Client Timestamp Unsigned Long
Send Back Byte

Script Custom Event

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x75 Server & Client Event Name String
Data String

Spawn Particle Effect

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x76 Client Dimension Id Byte
Unique Entity Id SignedVarLong
Position Vector3
Identifier String

Available Entity Identifiers

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x77 Client NamedTag NBT

Level Sound Event (2)

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x78 Server & Client Sound ID Byte
Position Vector3
Block Id SignedVarInt
Entity Type String
Is baby mob Boolean
Is global Boolean

Network Chunk Publisher Update

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x79 Client Coordinates BlockCoordinates
Radius VarInt

Biome Definition List

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x7A Client NamedTag NBT

Level Sound Event (3)

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x7B Server & Client Sound ID VarInt
Position Vector3
Block Id SignedVarInt
Entity Type String
Is baby mob Boolean
Is global Boolean

Level Event Generic

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x7C Client

Lectern Update

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x7D Client Page Byte
Total Pages Byte
Block Position Position
Dropping Book Boolean

Video Stream Connect

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x7E Client Server URI String
Frame Send Frequency Float
Action Byte
Resolution X Int
Resolution Y Int

Client Cache Status

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x81 Server & Client Supported Boolean

On Screen Texture Animation

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x82 Client

Map Create Locked Copy

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x83 Client Original Map Id Boolean
New Map Id Boolean

Structure Template Data Export Request

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x84 Client

Structure Template Data Export Response

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x85 Client

Update Block Properties

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x86 Client Unknown Byte
NamedTag NBT

Client Cache Blob Status

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x87 Client

Client Cache Miss Response

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x88 Client

Network Settings

Packet ID Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x8F Client Unknown Byte
Compression threshold Short