Server List: Difference between revisions

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m Added BurningPig to server list
No edit summary
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| [ C++]
| [ C++]
| Open source
| Open source
| {{yes|1.3.2 and 1.2.5 simultaneously}}
| {{yes|1.3.2 and 1.2.5}}
| {{yes}}
| {{yes}}
| {{yes|Anvil}}
| {{yes|Anvil}}

Revision as of 03:55, 17 September 2012

Minecraft Modern Tools and Mods
Clients | Servers | Decompilers | Libraries | Utilities | Wrappers

This is a rather incomplete list of Minecraft Modern servers currently in development. This page only lists servers written from scratch. For mods and wrappers, see the Utility List and the Wrapper List.

A couple things for contributors:

  • If you haven't committed to your repository in a few months, it will be marked as on hiatus. Don't take it personally; just write more code and update the wiki.
  • Wiki editors rely on README files to gather server features. If you don't have one, you run the risk that they will read your source code to discern what your server can do. This might not be what you wanted. >:3
  • Yes, the "Networking" column really does ask the question, "Can your server actually talk to clients?" This is just a litmus test. If your server can't do it, then consider whether it's ready for this page.
Name Author(s) Language License Last Version Supported Networking World Formats Multiworld Physics Entities Concurrency Model Scripting Development Status
Craft.Local Drew DeVault (SirCmpwn) C# MIT 12w36a Yes Anvil Yes No Players Async Networking/Logic No Active
PartyCraft Drew DeVault (SirCmpwn) C# MIT 12w34b Yes Anvil Yes No Players Async Networking/Logic No Active
MCServer FakeTruth, xoft C++ Open source 1.3.2 and 1.2.5 Yes Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs Threads Lua Active
mc-erl Apiocera, clonejo Erlang not decided yet 1.3.2 Yes custom (Mnesia) No No Players Erlang processes No Active
Mineserver Fador, Psoden, deoxxa C++ New BSD License 1.3.2 Yes Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs Unknown C++ Active
(with Vanilla plugin)
SpoutDev (fork of Glowstone) Java SpoutDev v1 1.3.2 Yes Custom
(Converters planned)
Yes Partial Partial Event-driven SpoutAPI Active
Realcraft Jailout2000 Realbasic Closed source 1.3.2 Yes Custom
(Converters planned)
Yes Planned Players, other entities are WIP Event-driven No Active
FastCraft sprenger120 C++ GPLv3 1.3.2 Yes Anvil (read access) Planned Planned Players, mobs Threads Planned (Lua) Active
BurningPig Joe Doyle (JoeDoyle23) JavaScript(Node.js) MIT 1.3.2 Yes Planned Planned No Planned Async Networking No Active
Bravo MostAwesomeDude Python MIT/X11 Beta 1.9 Pre 6 Yes Alpha, Beta Yes Yes Players, Mobs Processes Python On hiatus since Dec 2011
Chunky Monkey agon, huin, jnwhiteh, nictuku Google Go MIT Beta 1.8 Yes Alpha, Beta Planned Entities: yes; Blocks: Planned Players: yes; Mobs: In progress Goroutines (Multi-host planned) (TBD) On hiatus since Oct 2011
Schlagwetter louisdx C++0x unspecified open source Beta 1.6 Yes n/a No Planned Planned Threads No On hiatus since Nov 2011
XMC Xinnx C# GPLv3 Beta 1.4 Yes Alpha, Beta: WIP No Planned Players, Partial mob support Threads + Async File IO .NET Plugins Rewrite in progress
Mineserver 2 deoxxa, Jailout2000 C++ New BSD License Unknown Yes Planned Planned Planned Planned boost, ZeroMQ C++ On hiatus since April 2012
craftd kev009 C Simplified BSD Unknown Yes Alpha No Yes Planned Threads Many (plugins) On hiatus since May 2011
Lightstone Graham Edgecombe Java MIT Unknown Yes In Progress (Beta) Planned Planned Planned Event-driven Planned (Ruby) On hiatus since Jun 2011
McCraft Nemrael Java GPLv3 Unknown Yes (Java NIO) Beta (read-access) Yes Planned Planned Threads Planned On hiatus since Aug 2011