Server List: Difference between revisions

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m Updated Krypton's contributors list to include the full core team
m Added new feature list to Krypton
Line 606: Line 606:
  | {{yes|[ Kotlin]}}
  | {{yes|[ Kotlin]}}
  | {{yes|{{linux}}{{windows}}{{mac}}, any that support Java}}
  | {{yes|{{linux}}{{windows}}{{mac}}, any that support Java}}
  | {{unknown|Not listed yet}}
  | {{yes|[ Packet support]}}
  | {{yes|Active}}
  | {{yes|Active}}

Revision as of 14:22, 11 April 2021

Minecraft Modern Tools and Mods
Clients | Servers | Decompilers | Libraries | Utilities | Wrappers

This is a rather incomplete list of Minecraft Modern servers currently in development. This page only lists servers written from scratch. For mods and wrappers, see the Utility List and the Wrapper List.

A couple things for contributors:

  • If you haven't committed to your repository in a few months, it will be marked as on hiatus. Don't take it personally; just write more code and update the wiki.
  • Wiki editors rely on README files to gather server features. If you don't have one, you run the risk that they will read your source code to discern what your server can do. This might not be what you wanted. >:3
Name Author(s) Language License Last version supported World formats Multiworld Physics Entities Concurrency model Scripting Platform Feature list Development status
Sugarcane macmv Go MIT 1.8, 1.12 (no blocks), 1.13, 1.14+ in progress Custom Yes Planned Players Seperate tick loop for each player Go (server acts as a library) See the README Active
Obsidian Naamloos
C# GPL 1.16.5 Planned Planned Planned Players, Items Threads C# Link Active
MCHPRS StackDoubleFlow
Rust MIT 1.16.5 Custom Yes Planned Players Parallel Threads C Dynamic Linking Link Active
GoLangMc Sxtanna
Go MIT 1.15.2 Planned Planned Planned Planned Goroutines GoLang Plugins Link Active
Lantern The LanternPowered Team and contributors Java MIT 1.16 Anvil Yes Planned, Items Players, Items Threads/Events Java + Sponge Modding Platform (SpongeAPI) Nothing is listed yet. Active
Basin Protryon/JavaProphet, ecx86 C GPLv3 1.11.2 & 1.11, 1.10 Anvil Yes Yes Players, Items, Mobs Threads Lua & C Link Inactive
Cuberite FakeTruth, xoft, More C++ Apache 2.0 1.8-1.12.2 Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs Threads Lua
Link Active
Glowstone SpaceManiac, mastercoms, Momo, others Java MIT 1.12.2 (1.13+ in development) Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs, Objects Threads/Events Java + Kotlin (Paper-API, Spigot-API) Link Active
PyMine Iapetus-11, Sh-wayz, Emerald, others Python GPLv3 1.16.5 Anvil Yes Planned Planned Async Networking Python README Active
Minestom Contributors Java Apache 2.0 1.16.5 Custom + Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs, Items Threads/Events Java + Kotlin Not listed Active
Feather caelunshun Rust Apache 2.0 1.16.5 Anvil Planned Yes Players, Items, Arrows Threads/Events Rust/Wasm Planned Link Active
Nostalgia BizarreCake C++ GPLv3 1.14.4 Planned Planned Planned Planned Actors Lua Nothing is listed yet. Inactive
McEx hansihe, Gjum Elixir MIT 1.9.2 Anvil/Custom planned Planned Entities Players, Items Erlang processes Elixir/Erlang planned Link Inactive
Diorite GotoFinal Java 8 MIT License 1.11.2 Anvil + Custom Yes Planned Players, Items Parallel Threads, Tick regions, Async input (chat, commands, tab) Java + Panda Link Inactive
Dragonet DragonetTeam Java LGPL MC:PC 1.8.3 (#47) & MC:PE 0.11.0 Anvil Yes Yes Players Threads/Events Java (Bukkit), JavaScript (DAPIS) Support Bukkit/Javascript Plugins, Minecraft PC, Minecraft: Pocket Edition Inactive
Flying-squid Flying-squid contributors JavaScript (Node.js) MIT 1.8-1.16 Anvil Yes Yes Players, Items, Mobs Async Networking JavaScript Link Active
Hematite Piston developers Rust MIT 1.8.3 Planned Anvil Planned Planned Planned Planned Threads Rust Planned Discussion Inactive
Mineserver Fador, Psoden, deoxxa C++ New BSD License 1.8 (#47) Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs Unknown C++ Link Inactive
QuartzPowered The Quartz Powered Team Java MIT 1.8 (#47) Anvil Planned Planned Planned Unknown Java Unknown Inactive
Rush Rush Team Java unknown 1.8 (#47) McRegion Planned Partial Players, Mobs (test AI) Threads No Link Inactive
SharpMC Wuppie C# MIT 15w31c (#51) Custom (Anvil Support) Yes Fluids only (right now) Players, Items Threads C# See github Inactive
TridentSDK TridentSDK Team Java Apache 2.0 1.8.3 Planned Anvil Planned Planned Players, Mobs (test AI) Threads/Events Java Unknown Inactive
Netherrack Cruz Bishop, Alice Keinz Rust MIT Developing for 1.8 Planned: Anvil and possibly custom Planned: Yes Planned: Yes, with optional extensions Planned: Yes Planned: To be determined Planned: Rust plugins Not yet Inactive
AVRCraft CNLohr C MIT 1.15.2 User No No Partial Poll No avr openwrt <16kB Active
hCraft BizarreCake C++ GPLv3 1.7.10 (#5) Custom (HWv1) Yes Yes Players Threads/Events No Link Inactive
BurningPig Joe Doyle (JoeDoyle23) JavaScript
MIT 1.6.4 Custom Planned No Players Async Networking No Link Inactive
PartyCraft Drew DeVault (SirCmpwn) C# MIT 1.6.2 Anvil Yes Yes Yes Async Networking/Logic C# Link Inactive
NessusMS Pbunny C Pbunny License v1 1.5.2 Custom Yes Yes Partial Async Networking/Posix Threads Planned Link Inactive
(with Vanilla plugin)
Spout LLC and community Java Spout License v1 1.5.2 Custom Yes Partial Partial Parallel Threads Java (SpoutAPI) unknown Inactive
Bravo Corbin Simpson Python MIT/X11 1.5 Alpha, Beta, Anvil Yes Yes Players, Mobs Async I/O, Processes Python Link Inactive
C#raft ementalo, smjert C# AGPLv3 1.5 Custom No No Player Unknown C# Unknown Inactive
mc-erl Apiocera, clonejo Erlang GPLv3 1.4.7 custom (Mnesia) No No Players Erlang processes No Link Inactive
jsmc Conrad Pankoff (deoxxa) JavaScript (Node.js) New BSD License 1.4.2 No No No Players Async Networking/Logic JavaScript Link Inactive
FastCraft sprenger120 C++ GPLv3 1.3.2 Anvil (read access) Planned Planned Players, mobs Threads Planned (Lua) Unknown Unknown On hiatus since February 2013
Realcraft Jailout2000 Realbasic Closed source 1.3.2 Custom Yes Planned Players, other entities are WIP Event-driven No Link Inactive
TrueCraft Drew DeVault (SirCmpwn), more C# MIT b1.7.3 McRegion Planned Yes Players, Items, Falling Sand, Mobs Threads C# Link On hiatus since 18 March 2018
Mineserver 2 deoxxa, Jailout2000 C++ New BSD License Unknown Planned Planned Planned Planned boost, ZeroMQ C++ Unknown Unknown On hiatus since April 2012
MineCase SunnyCase, WangJun, others C# MIT 1.14 Custom (Mongodb) Yes Planned Players, Items, Mobs Orleans Planned Link Active
Krypton Callum Seabrook, Alex Wood, Nicole Barningham and contributors Kotlin MIT 1.16.5 Anvil (read and write) Planned Planned Players Kotlin coroutines Kotlin , any that support Java Packet support Active
Composition Garen Tyler Rust MIT 1.8.9 Planned Planned Planned Planned Async Planned Not listed yet Active