Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| This page documents the changes from the [[Protocol|last stable Minecraft release]] (currently [[Protocol version numbers|1.9.4, protocol 110]]) to the current pre-release (currently [[Protocol version numbers|1.10, protocol 210]]). Note that this page contains bleeding-edge information that may not be completely or correctly documented. | | This page documents the changes from the [[Protocol|last stable Minecraft release]] (currently [[Protocol version numbers|1.10.2, protocol 210]]) to the current pre-release (currently [[Protocol version numbers|1.10.2, protocol 210]]). Note that this page contains bleeding-edge information that may not be completely or correctly documented. |
| |
| One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into [[Protocol]] when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there. | | One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into [[Protocol]] when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there. |
Line 13: |
Line 13: |
| === Packets === | | === Packets === |
| |
| | No changes so far. |
| | |
| | <!-- |
| {| class="wikitable" | | {| class="wikitable" |
| ! ID | | ! ID |
Line 18: |
Line 21: |
| !colspan="2"| Documentation | | !colspan="2"| Documentation |
| |- | | |- |
| !colspan="4"| Handshaking serverbound
| | !colspan="4"| Handshaking serverbound |
| {{PacketList|0x00|Handshake}} | | {{PacketList|0x00|Handshake}} |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="4"| Play clientbound
| |
| {{PacketList|0x19|Named Sound Effect}}
| |
| {{PacketList|0x46|Sound Effect}}
| |
| |-
| |
| !colspan="4"| Play serverbound
| |
| {{PacketList|0x16|Resource Pack Status}}
| |
| |} | | |} |
| | --> |
| |
| == New/modified data types == | | == New/modified data types == |
| |
| === Mobs ===
| | None so far. |
| | |
| Mobs are spawned via [[Protocol#Spawn_Mob|Spawn Mob]]. There are two extra mob types in the code that refer to mobs classes that can never spawn: Mob and Monster (they are always subclasses, aka another more specific type).
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| |-
| |
| ! Type
| |
| ! Name
| |
| ! x, z
| |
| ! y
| |
| |-
| |
| | 48
| |
| | Mob
| |
| | N/A
| |
| | N/A
| |
| |-
| |
| | 49
| |
| | Monster
| |
| | N/A
| |
| | N/A
| |
| |-
| |
| | 50
| |
| | Creeper
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 51
| |
| | Skeleton
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.95
| |
| |-
| |
| | 52
| |
| | Spider
| |
| | 1.4
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| |-
| |
| | 53
| |
| | Giant Zombie
| |
| | 0.6 * 6
| |
| | 1.8 * 6
| |
| |-
| |
| | 54
| |
| | Zombie
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 55
| |
| | Slime
| |
| | 0.51000005 * size
| |
| | 0.51000005 * size
| |
| |-
| |
| | 56
| |
| | Ghast
| |
| | 4
| |
| | 4
| |
| |-
| |
| | 57
| |
| | Zombie Pigman
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 58
| |
| | Enderman
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 2.9
| |
| |-
| |
| | 59
| |
| | Cave Spider
| |
| | 0.7
| |
| | 0.5
| |
| |-
| |
| | 60
| |
| | Silverfish
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | 0.3
| |
| |-
| |
| | 61
| |
| | Blaze
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 62
| |
| | Magma Cube
| |
| | 0.51000005 * size
| |
| | 0.51000005 * size
| |
| |-
| |
| | 63
| |
| | Ender Dragon
| |
| | 16.0
| |
| | 8.0
| |
| |-
| |
| | 64
| |
| | Wither
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| | 3.5
| |
| |-
| |
| | 65
| |
| | Bat
| |
| | 0.5
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| |-
| |
| | 66
| |
| | Witch
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 67
| |
| | Endermite
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | 0.3
| |
| |-
| |
| | 68
| |
| | Guardian
| |
| | 0.85
| |
| | 0.85
| |
| |-
| |
| | 69
| |
| | Shulker
| |
| | 1
| |
| | 1
| |
| |-
| |
| | 90
| |
| | Pig
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| |-
| |
| | 91
| |
| | Sheep
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| | 1.3
| |
| |-
| |
| | 92
| |
| | Cow
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| | 1.3
| |
| |-
| |
| | 93
| |
| | Chicken
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | 0.7
| |
| |-
| |
| | 94
| |
| | Squid
| |
| | 0.95
| |
| | 0.95
| |
| |-
| |
| | 95
| |
| | Wolf
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 0.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 96
| |
| | Mooshroom
| |
| | 0.9
| |
| | 1.3
| |
| |-
| |
| | 97
| |
| | Snowman
| |
| | 0.7
| |
| | 1.9
| |
| |-
| |
| | 98
| |
| | Ocelot
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 0.8
| |
| |-
| |
| | 99
| |
| | Iron Golem
| |
| | 1.4
| |
| | 2.9
| |
| |-
| |
| | 100
| |
| | Horse
| |
| | 1.4
| |
| | 1.6
| |
| |-
| |
| | 101
| |
| | Rabbit
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 0.7
| |
| |- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| |
| | 102
| |
| | Polar Bear
| |
| | 1.3
| |
| | 1.4
| |
| |-
| |
| | 120
| |
| | Villager
| |
| | 0.6
| |
| | 1.8
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| === Entity Metadata ===
| |
| | |
| Note that entity metadata is a totally distinct concept from block metadata. All entities must send at least one item of metadata, in most cases this will be the health item.
| |
| | |
| An Entity Metadata is an array of entries, each of which looks like the following:
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Name
| |
| ! Type
| |
| ! Meaning
| |
| |-
| |
| | Index
| |
| | Unsigned Byte
| |
| | Unique index key determining the meaning of the following value, see the table below. If this is <code>0xff</code> then the it is the end of the Entity Metadata array and no more is read.
| |
| |-
| |
| | Type
| |
| | Optional Byte Enum
| |
| | Only if Index is not <code>0xff</code>; the type of the index, see the table below
| |
| |-
| |
| | Value
| |
| | Optional ''value of Type''
| |
| | Only if Index is not <code>0xff</code>: the value of the metadata field
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Value of Type field
| |
| ! [[Data types|Type]] of Value field
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0
| |
| | Byte
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 2
| |
| | Float
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 3
| |
| | String
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 4
| |
| | [[Chat]]
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 5
| |
| | [[Slot]]
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 6
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 7
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | 3 floats: rotation on x, rotation on y, rotation on z
| |
| |-
| |
| | 8
| |
| | [[Data Types#Position|Position]]
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | 9
| |
| | OptPosition (Boolean + Optional Position)
| |
| | Position is present if the Boolean is set to true
| |
| |-
| |
| | 10
| |
| | Direction (VarInt)
| |
| | (Down = 0, Up = 1, North = 2, South = 3, West = 4, East = 5)
| |
| |-
| |
| | 11
| |
| | OptUUID (Boolean + Optional UUID)
| |
| | UUID is present if the Boolean is set to true
| |
| |-
| |
| | 12
| |
| | BlockID (VarInt)
| |
| | <code><nowiki>id << 4 | data</nowiki></code>
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| Entity classes also recursively use fields from classes they extend.
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Entity class
| |
| ! Index
| |
| ! Type
| |
| ! style="width: 250px" colspan="2" | Meaning
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="13"| Entity
| |
| |rowspan="8"| 0
| |
| |rowspan="8"| Byte
| |
| ! Bit Mask !! Meaning
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x01 || On Fire
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x02 || Crouched
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x08 || Sprinting
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x10 || Eating/Drinking/Blocking
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x20 || Invisible
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x40 || Glowing Effect
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x80 || Flying with Elytra
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Air
| |
| |-
| |
| | 2
| |
| | String
| |
| | colspan="2" | Custom Name
| |
| |-
| |
| | 3
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Custom Name Visible
| |
| |-
| |
| | 4
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Silent
| |
| |- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| |
| | 5
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | No Gravity
| |
| |-
| |
| | Potion <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | [[Slot]]
| |
| | colspan="2" | Potion which is thrown
| |
| |-
| |
| | FallingBlock <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | [[Data Types#Position|Position]]
| |
| | colspan="2" | Spawn Position
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="6"| AreaEffectCloud <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | Float
| |
| | colspan="2" | Radius
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Color (only for mob spell particle)
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|7|8}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Ignore radius and show effect as single point, not area
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|8|9}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Particle ID
| |
| |- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| |
| | 10
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Particle Parameter #1
| |
| |- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| |
| | 11
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Particle Parameter #2
| |
| |-
| |
| | Arrow <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Critical
| |
| |-
| |
| | TippedArrow <sup>extends Arrow</sup>
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Color
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="6"| Boat <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Time Since Last Hit
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Forward Direction
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|7|8}}
| |
| | Float
| |
| | colspan="2" | Damage Taken
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|8|9}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Type
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|9|10}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Right paddle turning
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|10|11}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Left paddle turning
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| EnderCrystal <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | OptPosition
| |
| | colspan="2" | Beam Target
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Show Bottom
| |
| |-
| |
| | Fireball <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| | WitherSkull <sup>extends Fireball</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Invulnerable
| |
| |-
| |
| | Fireworks <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | [[Slot]]
| |
| | colspan="2" | Firework Info
| |
| |-
| |
| | Hanging <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| ItemFrame <sup>extends Hanging</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | [[Slot]]
| |
| | colspan="2" | Item
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | Item <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | [[Slot]]
| |
| | colspan="2" | Item
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="5"| Living <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Likely used to limit placing blocks from both hands at the same time.
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | Float
| |
| | colspan="2" | Health
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|7|8}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Potion Effect Color
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|8|9}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Potion Effect Ambient
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|9|10}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Number of Arrows in Entity
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="13"| Player <sup>extends Living</sup>
| |
| | {{change|10|11}}
| |
| | Float
| |
| | colspan="2" | Additional Hearts
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Score
| |
| |-
| |
| | rowspan="10" | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | rowspan="10" | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | The Displayed Skin Parts bit mask that is sent in [[Protocol#Client Settings|Client Settings]]
| |
| |-
| |
| ! Bit Mask !! Meaning
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x01 || Cape enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x02 || Jacket enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x04 || Left sleeve enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x08 || Right sleeve enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x10 || Left pants leg enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x20 || Right pants leg enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x40 || Hat enabled
| |
| |-
| |
| | 0x80 || ''Unused''
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Main hand (0 : Left, 1 : Right)
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="8"| ArmorStand <sup>extends Living</sup>
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|10|11}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Status bit mask
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | colspan="2" | Head rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | colspan="2" | Body rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | colspan="2" | Left arm rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|14|15}}
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | colspan="2" | Right arm rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|15|16}}
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | colspan="2" | Left leg rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|16|17}}
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | colspan="2" | Right leg rotation
| |
| |-
| |
| | Insentient <sup>extends Living</sup>
| |
| | {{change|10|11}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Status bit mask (NoAI, Left handed)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ambient <sup>extends Insentient</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| | Bat <sup>extends Ambient</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Hanging
| |
| |-
| |
| | Creature <sup>extends Insentient</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ageable <sup>extends Creature</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Baby
| |
| |- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| |
| | PolarBear <sup>extends Ageable</sup>
| |
| | 13
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Standing
| |
| |-
| |
| | Animal <sup>extends Ageable</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="5"| Horse <sup>extends Animal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Status bit mask
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Type
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|14|15}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Variant
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|15|16}}
| |
| | OptUUID
| |
| | colspan="2" | Owner's UUID
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|16|17}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Armor
| |
| |-
| |
| | Pig <sup>extends Animal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Has Saddle
| |
| |-
| |
| | Rabbit <sup>extends Animal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Type
| |
| |-
| |
| | Sheep <sup>extends Animal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Status bit mask
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| TameableAnimal <sup>extends Animal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Status bit mask (sitting, tamed)
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | OptUUID
| |
| | colspan="2" | Owner's UUID
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ocelot <sup>extends TameableAnimal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|14|15}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Type
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="3"| Wolf <sup>extends TameableAnimal</sup>
| |
| | {{change|14|15}}
| |
| | Float
| |
| | colspan="2" | Damage Taken (used for tail rotation)
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|15|16}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Begging
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|16|17}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Collar Color
| |
| |-
| |
| | Villager <sup>extends Ageable</sup>
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Profession (Farmer = 0, Librarian = 1, Priest = 2, Blacksmith = 3, Butcher = 4)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Golem <sup>extends Creature</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| | IronGolem <sup>extends Golem</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Player Created
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="3"| Shulker <sup>extends Golem</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Direction
| |
| | colspan="2" | Facing Direction
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | OptPosition
| |
| | colspan="2" | Attachment Position
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Shield Height
| |
| |-
| |
| | Monster <sup>extends Creature</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| | Blaze <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is On Fire
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="3"| Creeper <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | State (-1 = Idle, 1 = Fuse)
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Powered
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Ignited
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| Guardian <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Status bit mask (elderly, retracting spikes)
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Target EID
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| Skeleton <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Type <span style="background-color: #d9ead3;">(0 = Default, 1 = Wither, 2 = Stray)</span>
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is swinging arms
| |
| |-
| |
| | Spider <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Climbing
| |
| |-
| |
| | Witch <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Aggresive
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="4"| Wither <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | First Head's Target
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Second Head's Target
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Third Head's Target
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|14|15}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Invulnerable Time
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="4"| Zombie <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Baby
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | {{change|Is Villager (Profession)|Zombie Type (0 = Default, 1-5 = Villager Profession, 6 = Husk)}}
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|13|14}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Converting
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|14|15}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Are Hands Rised Up
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| Enderman <sup>extends Monster</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Block ID
| |
| | colspan="2" | Carried Block
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Screaming
| |
| |-
| |
| | EnderDragon <sup>extends Insentient</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Dragon Phase
| |
| |-
| |
| | Flying <sup>extends Insentient</sup>
| |
| |colspan="4"| ''no additional metadata''
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ghast <sup>extends Flying</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Attacking
| |
| |-
| |
| | Slime <sup>extends Insentient</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Size
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="6"| Minecart <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Shaking Power
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|6|7}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Shaking Direction
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|7|8}}
| |
| | Float
| |
| | colspan="2" | Shaking Multiplier
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|8|9}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Block ID and Meta
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|9|10}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Block Y Position
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|10|11}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Show Block
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="2"| MinecartCommandBlock <sup>extends Minecart</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | String
| |
| | colspan="2" | Command
| |
| |-
| |
| | {{change|12|13}}
| |
| | [[Chat]]
| |
| | colspan="2" | Last Output
| |
| |-
| |
| | MinecartFurnace <sup>extends Minecart</sup>
| |
| | {{change|11|12}}
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| | colspan="2" | Is Powered
| |
| |-
| |
| | TNTPrimed <sup>extends Entity</sup>
| |
| | {{change|5|6}}
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | colspan="2" | Fuse Time
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| == <code>MC|Struct</code> plugin channel ==
| |
| | |
| ''Client to server''
| |
| | |
| Sets information about the {{change|inaccessible|new}} {{Minecraft Wiki|Structure block}}.
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Field Name
| |
| ! Field Type
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | X || Int || Tile entity location
| |
| |-
| |
| | Y || Int || Tile entity location
| |
| |-
| |
| | Z || Int || Tile entity location
| |
| |-
| |
| | Action
| |
| | Byte
| |
| | See below
| |
| |-
| |
| | Mode
| |
| | String enum
| |
| | One of "SAVE", "LOAD", "CORNER", "DATA".
| |
| |-
| |
| | Name
| |
| | String
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | Offset X || Int
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between -32 and 32
| |
| |-
| |
| | Offset Y || Int
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between -32 and 32
| |
| |-
| |
| | Offset Z || Int
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between -32 and 32
| |
| |-
| |
| | Size X || Int
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between 0 and 32
| |
| |-
| |
| | Size Y || Int
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between 0 and 32
| |
| |-
| |
| | Size Z || Int
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between 0 and 32
| |
| |-
| |
| | Mirror
| |
| | String enum
| |
| | One of "NONE", "LEFT_RIGHT", "FRONT_BACK".
| |
| |-
| |
| | Rotation
| |
| | String enum
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | Metadata
| |
| | String
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ignore entities
| |
| | Boolean
| |
| |
| |
| |-
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Show air
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Boolean
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|
| |
| |-
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Show bounding box
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Boolean
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|
| |
| |-
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Integrity
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Float
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Between 0 and 1
| |
| |-
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|Seed
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|VarLong
| |
| |style="background-color: #d9ead3;"|
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| Possible modes:
| |
| | |
| * 2 - Save the structure
| |
| * 3 - Load the structure
| |
| * 4 - Detect size
| |
| | |
| |
| == Handshaking == | | == Handshaking == |
Line 916: |
Line 39: |
| |
| No changes so far. | | No changes so far. |
| | |
| | <!-- Version number will change meaning that this needs to be uncommented |
| |
| ==== Handshake ==== | | ==== Handshake ==== |
Line 934: |
Line 59: |
| | Protocol Version | | | Protocol Version |
| | VarInt | | | VarInt |
| | See [[protocol version numbers]] (currently {{change|110|210}}) | | | See [[protocol version numbers]] (currently {{change|210|211}}) |
| |- | | |- |
| | Server Address | | | Server Address |
Line 948: |
Line 73: |
| | 1 for [[#Status|status]], 2 for [[#Login|login]] | | | 1 for [[#Status|status]], 2 for [[#Login|login]] |
| |} | | |} |
| | | --> |
| |
| == Play == | | == Play == |
Line 954: |
Line 79: |
| === Clientbound === | | === Clientbound === |
| |
| ==== Named Sound Effect ====
| | No changes so far. |
| {{See also|#Sound Effect}}
| |
| | |
| Used to play a sound effect on the client. Custom sounds may be added by resource packs.
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Packet ID
| |
| ! State
| |
| ! Bound To
| |
| ! Field Name
| |
| ! Field Type
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="7"| 0x19
| |
| |rowspan="7"| Play
| |
| |rowspan="7"| Client
| |
| | Sound Name
| |
| | String
| |
| | All sound effect names as of 1.10.0 can be seen [http://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.10.html#sounds here].
| |
| |-
| |
| | Sound Category
| |
| | VarInt Enum
| |
| | The category that this sound will be played from ([https://gist.github.com/konwboj/7c0c380d3923443e9d55 current categories])
| |
| |-
| |
| | Effect Position X
| |
| | Int
| |
| | Effect X multiplied by 8 ([[Data types#Fixed-point numbers|fixed-point number]] with only 3 bits dedicated to the fractional part)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Effect Position Y
| |
| | Int
| |
| | Effect Y multiplied by 8 ([[Data types#Fixed-point numbers|fixed-point number]] with only 3 bits dedicated to the fractional part)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Effect Position Z
| |
| | Int
| |
| | Effect Z multiplied by 8 ([[Data types#Fixed-point numbers|fixed-point number]] with only 3 bits dedicated to the fractional part)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Volume
| |
| | Float
| |
| | 1 is 100%, can be more
| |
| |-
| |
| | Pitch
| |
| | {{change|Unsigned Byte|Float}}
| |
| | Float between 0.5 and 2.0 by Notchian clients
| |
| |}
| |
| | |
| ==== Sound Effect ====
| |
| | |
| This packet is used to play a number of hardcoded sound events. For custom sounds, use [[#Named Sound Effect|Named Sound Effect]] ([[#Play|Play]], 0x19, clientbound).
| |
| | |
| {{Warning|Numeric sound effect IDs are liable to change between versions}}
| |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Packet ID
| |
| ! State
| |
| ! Bound To
| |
| ! Field Name
| |
| ! Field Type
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="7"| 0x46
| |
| |rowspan="7"| Play
| |
| |rowspan="7"| Client
| |
| | Sound ID
| |
| | VarInt
| |
| | ID of hardcoded sound event ([http://pokechu22.github.io/Burger/1.10.html#sounds events] as of 1.10.0)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Sound Category
| |
| | VarInt Enum
| |
| | The category that this sound will be played from ([https://gist.github.com/konwboj/7c0c380d3923443e9d55 current categories])
| |
| |-
| |
| | Effect Position X
| |
| | Int
| |
| | Effect X multiplied by 8 ([[Data types#Fixed-point numbers|fixed-point number]] with only 3 bits dedicated to the fractional part)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Effect Position Y
| |
| | Int
| |
| | Effect Y multiplied by 8 ([[Data types#Fixed-point numbers|fixed-point number]] with only 3 bits dedicated to the fractional part)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Effect Position Z
| |
| | Int
| |
| | Effect Z multiplied by 8 ([[Data types#Fixed-point numbers|fixed-point number]] with only 3 bits dedicated to the fractional part)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Volume
| |
| | Float
| |
| | 1.0 is 100%, capped between 0.0 and 1.0 by Notchian clients
| |
| |-
| |
| | Pitch
| |
| | {{change|Unsigned Byte|Float}}
| |
| | Float between 0.5 and 2.0 by Notchian clients
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| === Serverbound === | | === Serverbound === |
| |
| ==== Resource Pack Status ====
| | No changes so far. |
| | |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Packet ID
| |
| ! State
| |
| ! Bound To
| |
| ! Field Name
| |
| ! Field Type
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| |rowspan="3"| 0x16
| |
| |rowspan="3"| Play
| |
| |rowspan="3"| Server
| |
| |- style="background-color: #f4cccc; text-decoration: line-through;"
| |
| | Hash
| |
| | String
| |
| | The hash sent in the [[#Resource Pack Send|Resource Pack Send]] packet.
| |
| |-
| |
| | Result
| |
| | VarInt Enum
| |
| | 0: successfully loaded, 1: declined, 2: failed download, 3: accepted
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| == Status == | | == Status == |