Legacy Mojang Authentication: Difference between revisions

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Line 72: Line 72:
| The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method
| The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method
| Data was not submitted as application/json

Revision as of 22:10, 23 September 2013

Minecraft 1.6 introduced a new authentication scheme called Yggdrasil which completely replaces the previous authentication system.

Request format

All requests to Yggdrasil are made to the following server:


Further, they are expected to fulfill the following rules:

  • Are POST requests
  • Have the Content-Type header set to application/json
  • Contain a JSON-encoded dictionary as payload

If a request was successful the server will respond with:

  • Status code 200
  • A JSON-encoded dictionary according to the specifications below

If however a request fails, the server will respond with:

  "error": "Short description of the error",
  "errorMessage": "Longer description which can be shown to the user",
  "cause": "Cause of the error"        // optional


These are some of the errors that can be encountered:

Error Cause Error message Notes
Method Not Allowed The method specified in the request is not allowed for the resource identified by the request URI Something other than a POST request was received.
Not Found The server has not found anything matching the request URI Non-existing endpoint was called.
ForbiddenOperationException UserMigratedException Invalid credentials. Account migrated, use e-mail as username.
ForbiddenOperationException Invalid credentials. Invalid username or password.
ForbiddenOperationException Invalid token. accessToken was invalid.
IllegalArgumentException Access token already has a profile assigned. Selecting profiles isn't implemented yet.
Unsupported Media Type The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method Data was not submitted as application/json

Session ID

Whenever a Mojang service requires a session ID, you can simply combine a valid accessToken with the corresponding profile identifier as follows:

 token:<accessToken>:<profile ID>


Authenticates a user using his password.




  "agent": {                             // optional
    "name": "Minecraft",                 // So far this is the only encountered value
    "version": 1                         // This number might be increased
                                         // by the vanilla client in the future
  "username": "mojang account name",     // Can be an email address or player name for
                                         // unmigrated accounts
  "password": "mojang account password",
  "clientToken": "client identifier"     // optional

The clientToken should be a randomly generated identifier and must be identical for each request. In case it is omitted the server will generate a random token based on Java's UUID.toString() which should then be stored by the client. This will however also invalidate all previously acquired accessTokens for this user across all clients.


  "accessToken": "random access token",  // hexadecimal
  "clientToken": "client identifier",    // identical to the one received
  "availableProfiles": [                 // only present if the agent field was received
      "id": "profile identifier",        // hexadecimal
      "name": "player name"
  "selectedProfile": {                   // only present if the agent field was received
    "id": "profile identifier",
    "name": "player name"

Note: If a user wishes to stay logged in on his computer you are strongly advised to store the received accessToken instead of the password itself.

Currently each account will only have one single profile, multiple profiles per account are however planned in the future.


Refreshes a valid accessToken. It can be uses to keep a user logged in between gaming sessions and is preferred over storing the user's password in a file (see lastlogin).




  "accessToken": "valid accessToken",
  "clientToken": "client identifier"     // This needs to be identical to the one used
                                         // to obtain the accessToken in the first place
  "selectedProfile": {                   // optional; sending it will result in an error
    "id": "profile identifier",          // hexadecimal
    "name": "player name"

Note: The provided accessToken gets invalidated.


  "accessToken": "random access token",  // hexadecimal
  "clientToken": "client identifier",    // identical to the one received
  "selectedProfile": {
    "id": "profile identifier",          // hexadecimal
    "name": "player name"


Checks if an accessToken is valid.




  "accessToken": "valid accessToken",


Unlike most other methods this one will return an empty payload if successful.

Joining a Server

See Protocol Encryption