Pre-release protocol

Revision as of 02:59, 4 November 2024 by imported>LassiPulkkinen (Some 1.21.2 packet changes.)
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This page documents the changes from release 1.21.1 (protocol 767) to the current release (1.21.3, protocol 768). The stable protocol documentation is currently lagging behind, and the changes documented here will be merged soon, once they are complete. The current pre-release (snapshot 24w44a) is not yet documented.

One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into Protocol when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.


Data types

Name Size (bytes) Encodes Notes
ID Set Varies Set of registry IDs specified either inline or as a reference to a tag. See #ID Set

ID Set

Represents a set of IDs in a certain registry (implied by context), either directly (enumerated IDs) or indirectly (tag name).

Name Type Description
Type VarInt Identifier used to determine the data that follows. It can be either:
  • 0 - Represents a named set of IDs defined by a tag.
  • Anything else - Represents an ad-hoc set of IDs enumerated inline.
Tag Name Optional Identifier The registry tag defining the ID set. Only present if Type is 0.
IDs Optional Array of VarInt An array of registry IDs. Only present if Type is not 0.
The size of the array is equal to Type - 1.


ID Packet name Documentation
Play clientbound
0x15 Set Container Slot Current Pre
0x17 Set Cooldown Current Pre
0x20 Synchronize Entity Position Pre
0x20 0x21 Explosion Current Pre
0x31 Move Minecart Along Track Pre
0x37 0x39 Place Ghost Recipe Current Pre
0x41 Update Recipe Book Current
0x43 Player Rotation Pre
0x44 Recipe Book Add Pre
0x45 Recipe Book Remove Pre
0x46 Recipe Book Settings Pre
0x5a Set Cursor Item Pre
0x53 0x63 Set Held Item Current (unchanged)
0x66 Set Player Inventory Slot Pre
0x64 0x6b Update Time Current Pre
Play serverbound
0x02 Bundle Item Selected Pre
0x0b Client Tick End Pre


No changes so far.


No changes so far.


No changes so far.


No changes so far.



Set Container Slot

Sent by the server when an item in a slot (in a window) is added/removed.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x15 Play Client Window ID Byte The window which is being updated. 0 for player inventory. The client ignores any packets targeting a Window ID other than the current one; see below for exceptions , unless it is 0 (see below).
State ID VarInt A server-managed sequence number used to avoid desynchronization; see #Click Container.
Slot Short The slot that should be updated.
Slot Data Slot

If Window ID is 0, the hotbar and offhand slots (slots 36 through 45) may be updated even when a different container window is open. (The Notchian server does not appear to utilize this special case.) Updates are also restricted to those slots when the player is looking at a creative inventory tab other than the survival inventory. (The Notchian server does not handle this restriction in any way, leading to MC-242392.)

If Window ID is -1, the item being dragged with the mouse is set. In this case, State ID and Slot are ignored.

If Window ID is -2, any slot in the player's inventory can be updated irrespective of the current container window. In this case, State ID is ignored, and the Notchian server uses a bogus value of 0. Used by the Notchian server to implement the #Pick Item functionality.

When a container window is open, the server never sends updates targeting Window ID 0—all of the window types include slots for the player inventory. The client must automatically apply changes targeting the inventory portion of a container window to the main inventory; the server does not resend them for ID 0 when the window is closed. However, since the armor and offhand slots are only present on ID 0, updates to those slots occurring while a window is open must be deferred by the server until the window's closure.

Set Cooldown

Applies a cooldown period to all items with the given type. Used by the Notchian server with enderpearls. This packet should be sent when the cooldown starts and also when the cooldown ends (to compensate for lag), although the client will end the cooldown automatically. Can be applied to any item, note that interactions still get sent to the server with the item but the client does not play the animation nor attempt to predict results (i.e block placing).

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x17 Play Client Item ID Cooldown Group VarInt Identifier Numeric ID of the item Group of items to apply a cooldown to.
Cooldown Ticks VarInt Number of ticks to apply a cooldown for, or 0 to clear the cooldown.

Synchronize Entity Position

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x20 Play Client Entity ID VarInt
X Double
Y Double
Z Double
Velocity X Double
Velocity Y Double
Velocity Z Double
Yaw Float Rotation on the X axis, in degrees.
Pitch Float Rotation on the Y axis, in degrees.
On Ground Boolean


Sent when an explosion occurs (creepers, TNT, and ghast fireballs).

Each block in Records is set to air. Coordinates for each axis in record is int(X) + record.x

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x20 0x21 Play Client X Double
Y Double
Z Double
Strength Float If the strength is greater or equal to 2.0, or the block interaction is not 0 (keep), large explosion particles are used. Otherwise, small explosion particles are used.
Record Count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Records Array of (Byte, Byte, Byte) Each record is 3 signed bytes long; the 3 bytes are the XYZ (respectively) signed offsets of affected blocks.
Has Player Motion Boolean
Player Motion X Optional Float X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion. Only present if Has Player Motion is true.
Player Motion Y Optional Float Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion. Only present if Has Player Motion is true.
Player Motion Z Optional Float Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion. Only present if Has Player Motion is true.
Block Interaction VarInt Enum 0 = keep, 1 = destroy, 2 = destroy_with_decay, 3 = trigger_block.
Small Explosion Particle ID VarInt The particle ID listed in Particles.
Small Explosion Particle Data Varies Particle data as specified in Particles.
Large Explosion Particle ID VarInt The particle ID listed in Particles.
Large Explosion Particle Data Varies Particle data as specified in Particles.
Explosion Sound Sound ID VarInt Represents the Sound ID + 1. If the value is 0, the packet contains a sound specified by Identifier.
Sound Name Optional Identifier The name of the sound played. Only present if Sound ID is 0.
Has Fixed Range Optional Boolean Whether is has fixed range. Only present if Sound ID is 0.
Range Optional Float The fixed range of the sound. Only present if previous boolean is true and Sound ID is 0.

Move Minecart Along Track

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x31 Play Client Entity ID VarInt
Step Count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Steps X Array Double
Y Double
Z Double
Velocity X Double
Velocity Y Double
Velocity Z Double
Yaw Angle
Pitch Angle
Weight Float

Player Rotation

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x43 Play Client Yaw Float Rotation on the X axis, in degrees.
Pitch Float Rotation on the Y axis, in degrees.

Place Ghost Recipe

Response to the serverbound packet (Place Recipe), with the same recipe ID. Appears to be used to notify the UI.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x37 0x39 Play Client Window ID Byte VarInt
Recipe Identifier A recipe ID.
Recipe Display ID VarInt ID in the minecraft:recipe_display registry.
Recipe Data Varies Depends on Recipe Type; see below.


Recipe Book Add

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x44 Play Client Recipe Count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Recipes Recipe ID Array VarInt ID to assign to the recipe.
Display ID VarInt ID in the minecraft:recipe_display registry.
Group ID VarInt
Category ID VarInt ID in the minecraft:recipe_book_category registry.
Has Ingredients Boolean
Ingredient Count Optional VarInt Number of elements in the following array. Only present if Has Ingredients is true.
Ingredients Optional Array of ID Set Only present if Has Ingredients is true.
Flags Byte 0x01: show notification; 0x02: highlight as new

Recipe Book Remove

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x45 Play Client Recipe Count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Recipes Array of VarInt IDs of recipes to remove.

Recipe Book Settings

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x46 Play Client Crafting Recipe Book Open Boolean If true, then the crafting recipe book will be open when the player opens its inventory.
Crafting Recipe Book Filter Active Boolean If true, then the filtering option is active when the players opens its inventory.
Smelting Recipe Book Open Boolean If true, then the smelting recipe book will be open when the player opens its inventory.
Smelting Recipe Book Filter Active Boolean If true, then the filtering option is active when the players opens its inventory.
Blast Furnace Recipe Book Open Boolean If true, then the blast furnace recipe book will be open when the player opens its inventory.
Blast Furnace Recipe Book Filter Active Boolean If true, then the filtering option is active when the players opens its inventory.
Smoker Recipe Book Open Boolean If true, then the smoker recipe book will be open when the player opens its inventory.
Smoker Recipe Book Filter Active Boolean If true, then the filtering option is active when the players opens its inventory.

Set Cursor Item

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5A Play Client Slot Data Slot

Update Time

Time is based on ticks, where 20 ticks happen every second. There are 24000 ticks in a day, making Minecraft days exactly 20 minutes long.

The time of day is based on the timestamp modulo 24000. 0 is sunrise, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is midnight.

The default SMP server increments the time by 20 every second.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x64 0x6b Play Client World Age Long In ticks; not changed by server commands.
Time of day Long The world (or region) time, in ticks. If negative the sun will stop moving at the Math.abs of the time.
Time of day increasing Boolean If true, the client should automatically advance the time of day according to its ticking rate.

Set Player Inventory Slot

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x66 Play Client Slot VarInt
Slot Data Slot


Bundle Item Selected

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x02 Play Server Slot of Bundle VarInt
Slot in Bundle VarInt

Client Tick End

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0B Play Server no fields