Object Data

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Revision as of 08:37, 2 January 2016 by imported>Javaprophet (Modified description and removed velocity description for Spawn Object packet.)
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Object Data

In the "Spawn Object/Vehicle" packet, additional metadata about the spawned entity may be provided. The contents of this extra data depend on the type of object being spawned, but it is always an Integer. No matter what, the server must send one integer to the client, although 0 is a valid value. If a number greater than zero is provided (for all entities), the velocity portion of the Spawn Object packet is sent as well.

Meaning of int field

Minecarts (id 10)

The int value itself specifies the minecart's functionality:

Value Minecart functionality
0 Empty (ride-able) minecart
1 Chest minecart
2 Furnace (powered) minecart
3 TNT minecart
4 Spawner minecart
5 Hopper minecart
6 Command Block minecart

Item Frame (id 71)

Field Name Field Type Example Notes
Orientation int 3 0-3: South, West, North, East

Falling Block (id 70)

Field Name Field Type Example Notes
Block Type int 12 BlockID | (Metadata << 0x10)

Splash Potions (id 73)

Field Name Field Type Example Notes
Entity ID int 64 Potion data value

For more information on potion data values, see [1].

Fishing Float (id 90)

Field Name Field Type Example Notes
Owner int The entity ID of the owner

Projectiles (Any projectile)

This includes ghast fireballs, arrows, and fishhooks (probably more).

Field Name Field Type Example Notes
Entity ID int 64 The entity ID of the thrower