Mojang API

Revision as of 08:37, 13 January 2015 by imported>Fenhl (→‎Notes: formatting)
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  • All public APIs are rate limited so you are expected to cache the results. This is currently set at 600 requests per 10 minutes but this may change.
  • For some parts of the API, demo accounts are sometimes included, sometimes not. Mojang keeps changing this.

Username -> Profile at time


This will return the uuid of the name at the timestamp provided.

  • The timestamp is a unix timestamp
  • When the at parameter is not sent, the current time is used


  "id": "7125ba8b1c864508b92bb5c042ccfe2b",
  "name": "KrisJelbring"
  • name is case-corrected
  • legacy only appears when true (not migrated to mojang account)
  • demo only appears when true (account unpaid)

If there is no player with the given username an HTTP status code 204 (No Content) is sent without any HTTP body.
If the timestamp is not a number, too big or too small the HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request) is sent with an error message looking like this:

  "error": "IllegalArgumentException",
  "errorMessage": "Invalid timestamp."

UUID -> Name history<uuid>/names

Returns all the usernames this user has used in the past and the one they are using currently


    "name": "Hkliese"
    "name": "PlasmaPod",
    "changedToAt": 1414059749000

The changedToAt field is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

Playernames -> UUIDs


Where 'minecraft' - agent name

This will return player UUIDS and some extras.


    "nonExistingPlayer" //Test for non-existing player


        "id": "0d252b7218b648bfb86c2ae476954d32",
        "name": "maksimkurb",
        "legacy": true,
        "demo": true
  • name is case-corrected
  • legacy only appears when true (profile not migrated to
  • demo only appears when true (account unpaid)
  • IllegalArgumentException is returned when any of the usernames is null or ""
  • The Content-Type HTTP header must be application/json
  • You cannot request more than 100 names per request

UUID -> Profile + Skin/Cape<uuid>

This will return the player's username plus any additional information about them (e.g. skins). Example:

This has a much stricter rate limit: You can request the same profile once per minute.


    "id": "<profile identifier>",
    "name": "<player name>",
    "properties": [ 
            "name": "textures",
            "value": "<base64 string>",
            "signature": "<base64 string; signed data using Yggdrasil's private key>" // Only provided if ?unsigned=false is appended to url

The "value" base64 string for the "textures" object decoded:

    "timestamp": "<unix time in ms>",
    "profileId": "<profile uuid>",
    "profileName": "<player name>",
    "isPublic": "<true or false>",
    "textures": {
        "SKIN": {
            "url": "<player skin URL>"
        "CAPE": {
            "url": "<player cape URL>"
  • timestamp sometimes in the past (probably due to cached results?)


Python | uuids or names to profiles

Python | names file to uuids+names file

PHP | uuids to names

PHP uuids to names, names to uuids