Command Data
Clients are expected to implement all parsers, including properties (if any). If an unknown parser is encountered by a client, unpacking of the Declare Commands packet should stop immediately, as the structure of the remainder of the packet cannot be guessed.
In 1.19, Parsers are identified by a varint id. Pre-1.19, parsers are identified by a string id.
Varint ID | String Identifier | Properties | Description |
0 | brigadier:bool
Boolean value (true or false , case-sensitive)
| |
1 | brigadier:float
See below | Float |
2 | brigadier:double
See below | Double |
3 | brigadier:integer
See below | Integer |
4 | brigadier:long
See below | Long |
5 | brigadier:string
See below | A string |
6 | minecraft:entity
See below | A selector, player name, or UUID. |
7 | minecraft:game_profile
A player, online or not. Can also use a selector, which may match one or more players (but not entities). | |
8 | minecraft:block_pos
A location, represented as 3 numbers (which must be integers). May use relative locations with ~ .
| |
9 | minecraft:column_pos
A column location, represented as 3 numbers (which must be integers). May use relative locations with ~ .
| |
10 | minecraft:vec3
A location, represented as 3 numbers (which may have a decimal point, but will be moved to the center of a block if none is specified). May use relative locations with ~ .
| |
11 | minecraft:vec2
A location, represented as 2 numbers (which may have a decimal point, but will be moved to the center of a block if none is specified). May use relative locations with ~ .
| |
12 | minecraft:block_state
A block state, optionally including NBT and state information. | |
13 | minecraft:block_predicate
A block, or a block tag. | |
14 | minecraft:item_stack
An item, optionally including NBT. | |
15 | minecraft:item_predicate
An item, or an item tag. | |
16 | minecraft:color
A chat color. One of the names from Chat#Colors, or reset . Case-insensitive.
| |
17 | minecraft:component
A JSON Chat component. | |
18 | minecraft:message
A regular message, potentially including selectors. | |
19 | minecraft:nbt
An NBT value, parsed using JSON-NBT rules. | |
20 | minecraft:nbt_tag
Represents a partial nbt tag, usable in data modify command. | |
21 | minecraft:nbt_path
A path within an NBT value, allowing for array and member accesses. | |
22 | minecraft:objective
A scoreboard objective. | |
23 | minecraft:objective_criteria
A single score criterion. | |
24 | minecraft:operation
A scoreboard operator. | |
25 | minecraft:particle
A particle effect (an identifier with extra information following it for specific particles, mirroring the Particle packet) | |
26 | minecraft:angle
27 | minecraft:rotation
An angle, represented as 2 numbers (which may have a decimal point, but will be moved to the center of a block if none is specified). May use relative locations with ~ .
| |
28 | minecraft:scoreboard_slot
A scoreboard display position slot. list , sidebar , belowName , and${color} for all chat colors (reset is not included)
| |
29 | minecraft:score_holder
See below | Something that can join a team. Allows selectors and * .
30 | minecraft:swizzle
A collection of up to 3 axes. | |
31 | minecraft:team
The name of a team. Parsed as an unquoted string. | |
32 | minecraft:item_slot
A name for an inventory slot. | |
33 | minecraft:resource_location
An Identifier. | |
34 | minecraft:function
A function. | |
35 | minecraft:entity_anchor
The entity anchor related to the facing argument in the teleport command, is feet or eyes. | |
36 | minecraft:int_range
An integer range of values with a min and a max. | |
37 | minecraft:float_range
A floating-point range of values with a min and a max. | |
38 | minecraft:dimension
Represents a dimension. | |
39 | minecraft:gamemode
Represents a gamemode. (survival , creative , adventure or spectator )
| |
40 | minecraft:time
See below | Represents a time duration. |
41 | minecraft:resource_or_tag
See below | An identifier or a tag name for a registry. |
42 | minecraft:resource_or_tag_key
See below | An identifier or a tag name for a registry. |
43 | minecraft:resource
See below | An identifier for a registry. |
44 | minecraft:resource_key
See below | An identifier for a registry. |
45 | minecraft:template_mirror
Template mirror | |
46 | minecraft:template_rotation
Template rotation | |
47 | minecraft:heightmap
TODO | |
48 | minecraft:uuid
Represents a UUID value. | |
? | forge:modid
Represents a mod identifier. Added by Minecraft Forge. Vanilla clients/servers do not support this parser. | |
? | forge:enum
Represents a enum class to use for suggestion. Added by Minecraft Forge. Vanilla clients/servers do not support this parser. |
Specifies min and max values.
Name | Type | Description |
Flags | Byte | |
Min | Optional double | Only if flags & 0x01. If not specified, defaults to -Double.MAX_VALUE (≈ -1.7976931348623157E307)
Max | Optional double | Only if flags & 0x02. If not specified, defaults to Double.MAX_VALUE (≈ 1.7976931348623157E307)
Specifies min and max values.
Name | Type | Description |
Flags | Byte | |
Min | Optional float | Only if flags & 0x01. If not specified, defaults to -Float.MAX_VALUE (≈ 3.4028235E38)
Max | Optional float | Only if flags & 0x02. If not specified, defaults to Float.MAX_VALUE (≈ 3.4028235E38)
Specifies min and max values.
Name | Type | Description |
Flags | Byte | |
Min | Optional integer | Only if flags & 0x01. If not specified, defaults to Integer.MIN_VALUE (-2147483648)
Max | Optional integer | Only if flags & 0x02. If not specified, defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE (2147483647)
Specifies min and max values.
Name | Type | Description |
Flags | Byte | |
Min | Optional long | Only if flags & 0x01. If not specified, defaults to Long.MIN_VALUE (−9,223,372,036,854,775,808)
Max | Optional long | Only if flags & 0x02. If not specified, defaults to Long.MAX_VALUE (9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
A VarInt enum.
Value | Name | Description |
Reads a single word |
If it starts with a " , keeps reading until another " (allowing escaping with \ ). Otherwise behaves the same as SINGLE_WORD
Reads the rest of the content after the cursor. Quotes will not be removed. |
Has a single flags byte.
Bit mask | Meaning |
0x01 | If set, only allows a single entity/player |
0x02 | If set, only allows players |
Has a single flags byte:
Bit mask | Meaning |
0x01 | If set, allows multiple. |
A range of values with a min and a max.
Name | Type | Description |
Decimals | Boolean | Whether decimal values are allowed. |
Name | Type | Description |
Min | Integer | Minimum duration in ticks |
Has a single identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
Registry | Identifier | The registry from where suggestions will be sourced from. |
Has a single identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
Registry | Identifier | The registry from where suggestions will be sourced from. |
Has a single identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
Registry | Identifier | The registry from where suggestions will be sourced from. |
Has a single identifier.
Name | Type | Description |
Registry | Identifier | The registry from where suggestions will be sourced from. |
Added by Minecraft Forge, vanilla clients/servers do not have this.
- Registered in
- Serialized in
Added by Minecraft Forge, vanilla clients/servers do not have this. Enum class to use for suggestions. The value is literally as is fed into the java method Class.forName see net.minecraftforge.server.command.EnumArgument
Name | Type | Description |
Class | String | Enum Class to use |
- Registered in
- Serialized in