二进制命名标签(Named Binary Tag,NBT)文件格式是一种非常简单、尽管有些烦人(我们真的需要另一个格式吗?)[见讨论]的结构化二进制格式,Minecraft游戏将它用于多种用途。因此,一些第三方实用工具也利用了这种格式。你可以在本文底部找到示例文件。
- 在协议中作为槽数据的一部分。
- 多人游戏中保存的服务器列表(
)。 - 玩家数据(单人游戏和多人游戏,每个玩家一个文件),包含如物品栏和位置等内容。
- 已保存的世界(单人游戏和多人游戏)
- 包含常规信息(出生点、一天中的时间等)的世界索引文件
- 区块数据(见ZH:Region Files:区域文件)
- C
- C#
- D
- Go (New)
- Go (Old, without TagLongArray)
- Java (Old, without TagLongArray)
- Java
- Javascript
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Kotlin(非常简易,200行)
- Kotlin Multiplatform
- 你的想法…
- NBTEdit(C#,单一功能),最早的NBT编辑器之一。
- NEINedit(Obj-C),一个OS X限定的编辑器。
- nbt2yaml(Python),提供了通过YAML格式使用命令行编辑NBT,以及快速而极简的NBT解析/渲染API的功能。
- nbted(Rust;CC0),提供了通过你的$EDITOR使用命令行编辑NBT文件的功能。
- nbt2json(Golang;MIT)NBT至JSON/YAML双向转换的命令行实用工具。支持MCPE-NBT。可用以库的形式使用。
类型ID | 类型名称 | 负载大小(字节) | 描述 |
0 | TAG_End | 0 | Signifies the end of a TAG_Compound. It is only ever used inside a TAG_Compound, and is not named despite being in a TAG_Compound |
1 | TAG_Byte | 1 | A single signed byte |
2 | TAG_Short | 2 | A single signed, big endian 16 bit integer |
3 | TAG_Int | 4 | A single signed, big endian 32 bit integer |
4 | TAG_Long | 8 | A single signed, big endian 64 bit integer |
5 | TAG_Float | 4 | A single, big endian IEEE-754 single-precision floating point number (NaN possible) |
6 | TAG_Double | 8 | A single, big endian IEEE-754 double-precision floating point number (NaN possible) |
7 | TAG_Byte_Array | ... | A length-prefixed array of signed bytes. The prefix is a signed integer (thus 4 bytes) |
8 | TAG_String | ... | A length-prefixed modified UTF-8 string. The prefix is an unsigned short (thus 2 bytes) signifying the length of the string in bytes |
9 | TAG_List | ... | A list of nameless tags, all of the same type. The list is prefixed with the Type ID of the items it contains (thus 1 byte), and the length of the list as a signed integer (a further 4 bytes). If the length of the list is 0 or negative, the type may be 0 (TAG_End) but otherwise it must be any other type. (The notchian implementation uses TAG_End in that situation, but another reference implementation by Mojang uses 1 instead; parsers should accept any type if the length is <= 0).
10 | TAG_Compound | ... | Effectively a list of a named tags. Order is not guaranteed. |
11 | TAG_Int_Array | ... | A length-prefixed array of signed integers. The prefix is a signed integer (thus 4 bytes) and indicates the number of 4 byte integers. |
12 | TAG_Long_Array | ... | A length-prefixed array of signed longs. The prefix is a signed integer (thus 4 bytes) and indicates the number of 8 byte longs. |
- 表示数字的数据类型在Java版中为大字节序,而携带版为小字节序。除非使用Java,否则你很有可能必须将其交换为小字节序。见维基百科上有关字节序的文章。
- 每个NBT文件将总是隐式地包含在复合标签中,并且也以TAG_Compound开头。
- NBT文件的结构由TAG_List和TAG_Compound类型定义,因为这样的标签本身仅包含负载,但是这取决于标签中包含的内容,它也可能包含其他头。即,如果位于复合标签内部,则每个标签都将以TAG_id开头,然后是字符串(标签名),最后是负载。在列表中时,它仅是负载,因为没有名称,并且标签类型在列表的开头给出。
Type ID | Length of Name | Name | Payload | |
Decoded | 2 | 9 | shortTest
On Disk (in hex) | 02
00 09
73 68 6F 72 74 54 65 73 74
& bigtest.nbt
第一个示例是一个未压缩的“Hello World”NBT示例。如果你正确地解析了它,你会得到与下列类似的结构:
TAG_Compound('hello world'): 1 entry { TAG_String('name'): 'Bananrama' }
(The entire thing is implicitly inside a compound) | Type ID (first element in the implicit compound) | Length of name of the root compound | Name of the root compound | Type ID of first element in root compound | Length of name of first element in root | Name of first element | Length of string | String | Tag end (of root compound) |
Decoded | Compound | 11 | hello world | String | 4 | name | 9 | Bananrama | |
On Disk (in hex) | 0a
00 0b
68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64
00 04
6e 61 6d 65
00 09
42 61 6e 61 6e 72 61 6d 61
TAG_Compound('Level'): 11 entries { TAG_Compound('nested compound test'): 2 entries { TAG_Compound('egg'): 2 entries { TAG_String('name'): 'Eggbert' TAG_Float('value'): 0.5 } TAG_Compound('ham'): 2 entries { TAG_String('name'): 'Hampus' TAG_Float('value'): 0.75 } } TAG_Int('intTest'): 2147483647 TAG_Byte('byteTest'): 127 TAG_String('stringTest'): 'HELLO WORLD THIS IS A TEST STRING \xc3\x85\xc3\x84\xc3\x96!' TAG_List('listTest (long)'): 5 entries { TAG_Long(None): 11 TAG_Long(None): 12 TAG_Long(None): 13 TAG_Long(None): 14 TAG_Long(None): 15 } TAG_Double('doubleTest'): 0.49312871321823148 TAG_Float('floatTest'): 0.49823147058486938 TAG_Long('longTest'): 9223372036854775807L TAG_List('listTest (compound)'): 2 entries { TAG_Compound(None): 2 entries { TAG_Long('created-on'): 1264099775885L TAG_String('name'): 'Compound tag #0' } TAG_Compound(None): 2 entries { TAG_Long('created-on'): 1264099775885L TAG_String('name'): 'Compound tag #1' } } TAG_Byte_Array('byteArrayTest (the first 1000 values of (n*n*255+n*7)%100, starting with n=0 (0, 62, 34, 16, 8, ...))'): [1000 bytes] TAG_Short('shortTest'): 32767 }
TAG_Compound(''): 1 entry { TAG_List('servers'): 2 entries { TAG_Compound(None): 3 entries { TAG_Byte('acceptTextures'): 1 (Automatically accept resourcepacks from this server) TAG_String('ip'): '' TAG_String('name'): 'Dainz1 - Creative' } TAG_Compound(None): 3 entries { TAG_String('icon'): 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANUhEUgAAAEAAAABACA...' (The base64-encoded server icon. Trimmed here for the example's sake) TAG_String('ip'): '' TAG_String('name'): 'minstarmin4' } } }
TAG_Compound(''): 1 entry { TAG_Compound('Data'): 17 entries { TAG_Byte('raining'): 0 TAG_Long('RandomSeed'): 3142388825013346304L TAG_Int('SpawnX'): 0 TAG_Int('SpawnZ'): 0 TAG_Long('LastPlayed'): 1323133681772L TAG_Int('GameType'): 1 TAG_Int('SpawnY'): 63 TAG_Byte('MapFeatures'): 1 TAG_Compound('Player'): 24 entries { TAG_Int('XpTotal'): 0 TAG_Compound('abilities'): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('instabuild'): 1 TAG_Byte('flying'): 1 TAG_Byte('mayfly'): 1 TAG_Byte('invulnerable'): 1 } TAG_Int('XpLevel'): 0 TAG_Int('Score'): 0 TAG_Short('Health'): 20 TAG_List('Inventory'): 13 entries { TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 1 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 0 TAG_Short('id'): 24 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 1 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 1 TAG_Short('id'): 25 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 1 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 2 TAG_Short('id'): 326 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 1 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 3 TAG_Short('id'): 29 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 10 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 4 TAG_Short('id'): 69 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 3 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 5 TAG_Short('id'): 33 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 43 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 6 TAG_Short('id'): 356 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 64 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 7 TAG_Short('id'): 331 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 20 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 8 TAG_Short('id'): 76 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 64 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 9 TAG_Short('id'): 331 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 1 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 10 TAG_Short('id'): 323 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 16 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 11 TAG_Short('id'): 331 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } TAG_Compound(None): 4 entries { TAG_Byte('Count'): 1 TAG_Byte('Slot'): 12 TAG_Short('id'): 110 TAG_Short('Damage'): 0 } } TAG_Short('HurtTime'): 0 TAG_Short('Fire'): -20 TAG_Float('foodExhaustionLevel'): 0.0 TAG_Float('foodSaturationLevel'): 5.0 TAG_Int('foodTickTimer'): 0 TAG_Short('SleepTimer'): 0 TAG_Short('DeathTime'): 0 TAG_List('Rotation'): 2 entries { TAG_Float(None): 1151.9342041015625 TAG_Float(None): 32.249679565429688 } TAG_Float('XpP'): 0.0 TAG_Float('FallDistance'): 0.0 TAG_Short('Air'): 300 TAG_List('Motion'): 3 entries { TAG_Double(None): -2.9778325794951344e-11 TAG_Double(None): -0.078400001525878907 TAG_Double(None): 1.1763942772801152e-11 } TAG_Int('Dimension'): 0 TAG_Byte('OnGround'): 1 TAG_List('Pos'): 3 entries { TAG_Double(None): 256.87499499518492 TAG_Double(None): 112.62000000476837 TAG_Double(None): -34.578128612797634 } TAG_Byte('Sleeping'): 0 TAG_Short('AttackTime'): 0 TAG_Int('foodLevel'): 20 } TAG_Int('thunderTime'): 2724 TAG_Int('version'): 19132 TAG_Int('rainTime'): 5476 TAG_Long('Time'): 128763 TAG_Byte('thundering'): 1 TAG_Byte('hardcore'): 0 TAG_Long('SizeOnDisk'): 0 TAG_String('LevelName'): 'Sandstone Test World' } }
- test.nbt/hello_world.nbt(未压缩)
- bigtest.nbt(gzip压缩)
- NaN-value-double.dat(已压缩,原始版本未知)