Entity metadata

From wiki.vg
Revision as of 18:15, 12 August 2020 by imported>LaserSlimeHD (Reverted some 1.16 related changes (This is still for 1.15.2, the pre release protocol is for 1.16.2) and fixed inheritance of arrows. Entity ID's are still for 1.16.2)
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Various Entities have different metadata fields and status codes.

These are the falid codes for Minecraft Java Edition 1.15.2, for upcoming changes for 1.16.2, see Pre-release protocol#Entity_Metadata The entity ID's are for 1.16.2.


Mobs are spawned via Spawn Mob.

Some entities (marked in yellow) should only be spawned using Spawn Object and their Object ID. While they also have an entity ID, this ID is only used internally. Servers should not attempt to spawn these entities using Spawn Mob with that entity ID, although clients should accept such packets if they appear.

Additionally, a few other entities (marked in blue) must be spawned in their own special ways:

These entity IDs are up to date for 1.16.2. Use Data Generators or Burger to get older IDs. If using Burger just replace the version number to what you want to see.

Type Name bounding box x and z bounding box y ID
0 Area Effect Cloud 2.0 * Radius 0.5 minecraft:area_effect_cloud
1 Armor Stand normal: 0.5 marker: 0.0 small: 0.25 normal: 1.975 marker: 0.0 small: 0.9875 minecraft:armor_stand
2 Arrow 0.5 0.5 minecraft:arrow
3 Bat 0.5 0.9 minecraft:bat
4 Bee 0.7 0.6 minecraft:bee
5 Blaze 0.6 1.8 minecraft:blaze
6 Boat 1.375 0.5625 minecraft:boat
7 Cat 0.6 0.7 minecraft:cat
8 Cave Spider 0.7 0.5 minecraft:cave_spider
9 Chicken 0.4 0.7 minecraft:chicken
10 Cod 0.5 0.3 minecraft:cod
11 Cow 0.9 1.4 minecraft:cow
12 Creeper 0.6 1.7 minecraft:creeper
13 Dolphin 0.9 0.6 minecraft:dolphin
14 Donkey 1.5 1.39648 minecraft:donkey
15 Dragon Fireball 1.0 1.0 minecraft:dragon_fireball
16 Drowned 0.6 1.95 minecraft:drowned
17 Elder Guardian 1.9975 (2.35 * guardian) 1.9975 (2.35 * guardian) minecraft:elder_guardian
18 End Crystal 2.0 2.0 minecraft:end_crystal
19 Ender Dragon 16.0 8.0 minecraft:ender_dragon
20 Enderman 0.6 2.9 minecraft:enderman
21 Endermite 0.4 0.3 minecraft:endermite
22 Evoker 0.6 1.95 minecraft:evoker
23 Evoker Fangs 0.5 0.8 minecraft:evoker_fangs
24 Experience Orb 0.5 0.5 minecraft:experience_orb
24 Eye of Ender 0.25 0.25 minecraft:eye_of_ender
26 Falling Block 0.98 0.98 minecraft:falling_block
27 Firework Rocket Entity 0.25 0.25 minecraft:firework_rocket
28 Fox 0.6 0.7 minecraft:fox
29 Ghast 4.0 4.0 minecraft:ghast
30 Giant 3.6 12.0 minecraft:giant
31 Guardian 0.85 0.85 minecraft:guardian
32 Hoglin 1.39648 1.4 minecraft:hoglin
33 Horse 1.39648 1.6 minecraft:horse
34 Husk 0.6 1.95 minecraft:husk
35 Illusioner 0.6 1.95 minecraft:illusioner
36 Iron Golem 1.4 2.7 minecraft:iron_golem
37 Item 0.25 0.25 minecraft:item
38 Item Frame 0.75 or 0.0625 (depth) 0.75 minecraft:item_frame
39 Fireball 1.0 1.0 minecraft:fireball
40 Leash Knot 0.375 0.5 minecraft:leash_knot
41 Lightning Bolt 0.0 0.0 minecraft:lightning_bolt
42 Llama 0.9 1.87 minecraft:llama
43 Llama Spit 0.25 0.25 minecraft:llama_spit
44 Magma Cube 0.51000005 * size 0.51000005 * size minecraft:magma_cube
45 Minecart 0.98 0.7 minecraft:minecart
46 Minecart Chest 0.98 0.7 minecraft:chest_minecart
47 Minecart Command Block 0.98 0.7 minecraft:commandblock_minecart
48 Minecart Furnace 0.98 0.7 minecraft:furnace_minecart
49 Minecart Hopper 0.98 0.7 minecraft:hopper_minecart
50 Minecart Spawner 0.98 0.7 minecraft:spawner_minecart
51 Minecart TNT 0.98 0.7 minecraft:tnt_minecart
52 Mule 1.39648 1.6 minecraft:mule
53 Mushroom 0.9 1.4 minecraft:mooshroom
54 Ocelot 0.6 0.7 minecraft:ocelot
55 Painting type width or 0.0625 (depth) type height minecraft:painting
56 Panda 1.3 1.25 minecraft:panda
57 Parrot 0.5 0.9 minecraft:parrot
58 Phantom 0.9 0.5 minecraft:phantom
59 Pig 0.9 0.9 minecraft:pig
60 Piglin 0.6 1.95 minecraft:piglin
61 Piglin Brute 0.6 1.95 minecraft:piglin_brute
62 Pillager 0.6 1.95 minecraft:pillager
63 Polar Bear 1.4 1.4 minecraft:polar_bear
64 Primed TNT 0.98 0.98 minecraft:tnt
65 Pufferfish 0.7 0.7 minecraft:pufferfish
66 Rabbit 0.4 0.5 minecraft:rabbit
67 Ravager 1.95 2.2 minecraft:ravager
68 Salmon 0.7 0.4 minecraft:salmon
69 Sheep 0.9 1.3 minecraft:sheep
70 Shulker 1.0 1.0-2.0 (depending on peek) minecraft:shulker
71 Shulker Bullet 0.3125 0.3125 minecraft:shulker_bullet
72 Silverfish 0.4 0.3 minecraft:silverfish
73 Skeleton 0.6 1.99 minecraft:skeleton
74 Skeleton Horse 1.39648 1.6 minecraft:skeleton_horse
75 Slime 0.51000005 * size 0.51000005 * size minecraft:slime
76 Small Fireball 0.3125 0.3125 minecraft:small_fireball
77 Snow Golem 0.7 1.9 minecraft:snow_golem
78 Snowball 0.25 0.25 minecraft:snowball
79 Spectral Arrow 0.5 0.5 minecraft:spectral_arrow
80 Spider 1.4 0.9 minecraft:spider
81 Squid 0.8 0.8 minecraft:squid
82 Stray 0.6 1.99 minecraft:stray
83 Strider 0.9 1.7 minecraft:strider
84 Thrown Egg 0.25 0.25 minecraft:egg
85 Thrown Ender Pearl 0.25 0.25 minecraft:ender_pearl
86 Thrown Expierience Bottle 0.25 0.25 minecraft:experience_bottle
87 Thrown Potion 0.25 0.25 minecraft:potion
88 Thrown Trident 0.5 0.5 minecraft:trident
89 Trader Llama 0.9 1.87 minecraft:trader_llama
90 Tropical Fish 0.5 0.4 minecraft:tropical_fish
91 Turtle 1.2 0.4 minecraft:turtle
92 Vex 0.4 0.8 minecraft:vex
93 Villager 0.6 1.95 minecraft:villager
94 Vindicator 0.6 1.95 minecraft:vindicator
95 Wandering Trader 0.6 1.95 minecraft:wandering_trader
96 Witch 0.6 1.95 minecraft:witch
97 Wither 0.9 3.5 minecraft:wither
98 Wither Skeleton 0.7 2.4 minecraft:wither_skeleton
99 Wither Skull 0.3125 0.3125 minecraft:wither_skull
100 Wolf 0.6 0.85 minecraft:wolf
101 Zoglin 1.39648 1.4 minecraft:zoglin
102 Zombie 0.6 1.95 minecraft:zombie
103 Zombie Horse 1.39648 1.6 minecraft:zombie_horse
104 Zombie Villager 0.6 1.95 minecraft:zombie_villager
105 Zombie Pigman 0.6 1.95 minecraft:zombie_pigman
106 Player 0.6 1.8 minecraft:player
107 Fishing Hook 0.25 0.25 minecraft:fishing_bobber


Objects are spawned via Spawn Object. See Object Data for more details.

Object IDs and Entity IDs are different. Most objects also have an entity ID, but should only ever be spawned via Spawn Object.

ID Name bounding box x and z bounding box y
1 Boat 1.375 0.5625
2 Item Stack (Slot) 0.25 0.25
3 Area Effect Cloud 2.0 * Radius 0.5
10 Minecart 0.98 0.7
50 Primed TNT 0.98 0.98
51 End Crystal 2.0 2.0
60 Tipped arrow (projectile; also used for regular arrows) 0.5 0.5
61 Snowball (projectile) 0.25 0.25
62 Egg (projectile) 0.25 0.25
63 Fireball (Ghast projectile) 1.0 1.0
64 Small Fireball (Blaze projectile) 0.3125 0.3125
65 Thrown Ender Pearl 0.25 0.25
66 Wither Skull (Wither projectile) 0.3125 0.3125
67 Shulker Bullet 0.3125 0.3125
68 Llama spit 0.25 0.25
70 Falling Block 0.98 0.98
71 Item Frame 0.75 or 0.0625 0.75
72 Eye of Ender 0.25 0.25
73 Thrown Potion 0.25 0.25
75 Thrown Exp Bottle 0.25 0.25
76 Firework Rocket Entity 0.25 0.25
77 Leash Knot 0.375 0.5
78 Armor Stand normal: 0.5 marker: 0.0 small: 0.25 normal: 1.975 marker: 0.0 small: 0.9875
79 Evoker Fangs Fangs 0.5 0.8
90 Fishing Hook 0.25 0.25
91 Spectral Arrow 0.5 0.5
93 Dragon Fireball 1.0 1.0
94 Trident 0.5 0.5

Since release 1.6, all minecarts are spawned with object type 10 and their functionality is then specified in the Data field within the packet. Also, their visual appearance may be sent via the Entity Metadata packet.

Entity Metadata Format

Note that entity metadata is a totally distinct concept from block metadata. It is not required to send all metadata fields, or even any metadata fields, so long as the terminating entry is correctly sent.

Entity Metadata is an array of entries, each of which looks like the following:

Name Type Meaning
Index Unsigned Byte Unique index key determining the meaning of the following value, see the table below. If this is 0xff then the it is the end of the Entity Metadata array and no more is read.
Type Optional VarInt Enum Only if Index is not 0xff; the type of the index, see the table below
Value Optional value of Type Only if Index is not 0xff: the value of the metadata field
Value of Type field Type of Value field Notes
0 Byte
1 VarInt
2 Float
3 String
4 Chat
5 OptChat (Boolean + Optional Chat) Chat is present if the Boolean is set to true
6 Slot
7 Boolean
8 Rotation 3 floats: rotation on x, rotation on y, rotation on z
9 Position
10 OptPosition (Boolean + Optional Position) Position is present if the Boolean is set to true
11 Direction (VarInt) (Down = 0, Up = 1, North = 2, South = 3, West = 4, East = 5)
12 OptUUID (Boolean + Optional UUID) UUID is present if the Boolean is set to true
13 OptBlockID (VarInt) 0 for absent (implies air); otherwise, a block state ID as per the global palette
14 NBT
15 Particle
16 Villager Data 3 VarInts: villager type, villager profession, level
17 OptVarInt 0 for absent; 1 + actual value otherwise. Used for entity IDs.

Villager type (minecraft:villager_type registry):

Name ID
minecraft:desert 0
minecraft:jungle 1
minecraft:plains 2
minecraft:savanna 3
minecraft:snow 4
minecraft:swamp 5
minecraft:taiga 6

Villager professions (minecraft:villager_profession registry):

Name ID
minecraft:none 0
minecraft:armorer 1
minecraft:butcher 2
minecraft:cartographer 3
minecraft:cleric 4
minecraft:farmer 5
minecraft:fisherman 6
minecraft:fletcher 7
minecraft:leatherworker 8
minecraft:librarian 9
minecraft:mason 10
minecraft:nitwit 11
minecraft:shepherd 12
minecraft:toolsmith 13
minecraft:weaponsmith 14

Entity classes also recursively inherit fields from classes they extend.


The base class.

Index Type Meaning Default
0 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is on fire
0x02 Is crouching
0x04 Unused (previously riding)
0x08 Is sprinting
0x10 Is swimming
0x20 Is invisible
0x40 has glowing effect
0x80 Is flying with an elytra
1 VarInt Air ticks 300
2 OptChat Custom name empty
3 Boolean Is custom name visible false
4 Boolean Is silent false
5 Boolean Has no gravity false
6 Pose Pose STANDING

Thrown Egg

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty (which behaves as if it were a minecraft:egg)

Thrown Ender Pearl

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty (which behaves as if it were a minecraft:ender_pearl)

Thrown Expierience Bottle

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty (which behaves as if it were a minecraft:experience_bottle)

Thrown Potion

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Potion which is thrown Empty


Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty (which behaves as if it were a minecraft:snowball)

Eye of Ender

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty (which behaves as if it were a minecraft:ender_eye)

Falling Block

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 BlockPos spawn position (0, 0, 0)

Area Effect Cloud

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Float Radius 0.5
8 VarInt Color (only for mob spell particle) 0
9 Boolean Ignore radius and show effect as single point, not area false
10 Particle The #Particle effect

Fishing Hook

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 VarInt Hooked entity id + 1, or 0 if there is no hooked entity 0

Abstract Arrow

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is critical
0x02 Is noclip (used by loyalty tridents when returning)
8 OptUUID Unused (Was once the uuid of the owner) Empty
9 Byte Piercing level 0


Extends Abstract Arrow.

Used for both tipped and regular arrows. If not tipped, then color is set to -1 and no tipped arrow particles are used.

Index Type Meaning Default
10 VarInt Color (-1 for no particles) -1

Spectral Arrow

Extends Abstract Arrow.

No additional metadata.

Thrown Trident

Extends Abstract Arrow.

Index Type Meaning Default
10 VarInt Loyalty level (enchantment) 0
11 Boolean Has enchantment glint False


Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 VarInt Time since last hit 0
8 VarInt Forward direction 1
9 Float Damage taken 0.0
10 VarInt Type (0=oak, 1=spruce, 2=birch, 3=jungle, 4=acacia, 5=dark oak) 0
11 Boolean Is left paddle turning false
12 Boolean Is right paddle turning false
13 VarInt Splash timer 0

End Crystal

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 OptBlockPos Beam target Empty
8 Boolean Show bottom true

Dragon Fireball

Extends Entity.

No additional metadata.

Small Fireball

Extends Entity.

This is the fireball shot by blazes and dispensers with fire charges.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty (which behaves as if it were a minecraft:fire_charge)


Extends Entity.

This is the large fireball shot by ghasts.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty

Wither Skull

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Boolean Is invulnerable false

Firework Rocket Entity

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Firework info Empty
8 OptVarInt Entity ID of entity which used firework (for elytra boosting) Empty
9 Boolean Is shot at angle (from a crossbow) false

Item Frame

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty
8 VarInt Rotation 0

Item Entity

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Slot Item Empty

Living Entity

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 Byte Hand states, used to trigger blocking/eating/drinking animation. 0
Bit mask Meaning
0x01 Is hand active
0x02 Active hand (0 = main hand, 1 = offhand)
0x04 Is in riptide spin attack
8 Float Health 1.0
9 VarInt Potion effect color (or 0 if there is no effect) 0
10 Boolean Is potion effect ambient: reduces the number of particles generated by potions to 1/5 the normal amount false
11 VarInt Number of arrows in entity 0
12 VarInt Health added by absorption (based on the AbsorptionAmount tag) 0
13 OptBlockPos Location of the bed that the entity is currently sleeping in (Empty if it isn't sleeping) Empty


Extends Living Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
14 Float Additional Hearts 0.0
15 VarInt Score 0
16 Byte The Displayed Skin Parts bit mask that is sent in Client Settings 0
Bit mask Meaning
0x01 Cape enabled
0x02 Jacket enabled
0x04 Left sleeve enabled
0x08 Right sleeve enabled
0x10 Left pants leg enabled
0x20 Right pants leg enabled
0x40 Hat enabled
0x80 Unused
17 Byte Main hand (0 : Left, 1 : Right) 1
18 NBT Left shoulder entity data (for occupying parrot) Empty
19 NBT Right shoulder entity data (for occupying parrot) Empty

Armor Stand

Extends Living Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
14 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is Small
0x04 Has Arms
0x08 Has no BasePlate
0x10 Is Marker
15 Rotations Head rotation (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
16 Rotations Body rotation (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
17 Rotations Left arm rotation (-10.0, 0.0, -10.0)
18 Rotations Right arm rotation (-15.0, 0.0, 10.0)
19 Rotations Left leg rotation (-1.0, 0.0, -1.0)
20 Rotations Right leg rotation (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)

Note that armor stands with the invisible flag from the base entity class set also cannot be attacked or damaged, except for by the void.


Extends Living Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
14 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 NoAI
0x02 Is left handed
0x04 Is agressive

Ambient Creature

Extends Mob.

No additional metadata.


Extends Ambient Creature.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is hanging

Pathfinder Mob

Extends Mob.

No additional metadata.

Water Animal

Extends Pathfinder Mob.

No additional metadata.


Extends Water Animal.

No additional metadata.


Extends Water Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Position Treasure position (0, 0, 0)
16 Boolean Can find treasure false
17 Boolean Has fish false

Abstract fish

Extends Water Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Boolean From bucket False


Extends Abstract fish.

No additional metadata.

Puffer fish

Extends Abstract fish.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 VarInt PuffState (varies from 0 to 2) 0


Extends Abstract fish.

No additional metadata.

Tropical fish

Extends Abstract fish.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 VarInt Variant 0

Ageable Mob

Extends Pathfinder Mob.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Boolean Is baby false


Extends Ageable Mob.

No additional metadata.

Abstract Horse

Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Unused
0x02 Is Tame
0x04 Is saddled
0x08 Has bred
0x10 Is eating
0x20 Is rearing (on hind legs)
0x40 Is mouth open
0x80 Unused
17 OptUUID Owner Absent


Extends Abstract Horse.

Index Type Meaning Default
18 VarInt Variant (Color & Style) 0

Zombie Horse

Extends Abstract Horse.

Skeleton Horse

Extends Abstract Horse.

Chested Horse

Extends Abstract Horse.

Index Type Meaning Default
18 Boolean Has Chest false


Extends Chested Horse.


Extends Chested Horse.

Index Type Meaning Default
19 VarInt Strength (number of columns of 3 slots in the llama's inventory once a chest is equipped) 0
20 VarInt Carpet color (a dye color, or -1 if no carpet equipped) -1
21 VarInt Variant (0: llama_creamy.png, 1: llama_white.png, 2: llama_brown.png, 3: llama_gray.png) 0

Trader Llama

The base class.

No additional metadata.


Extends Chested Horse.


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Byte Flags 0
0x01 Unused
0x02 Is angry
0x04 Has stung
0x08 Has nectar
17 VarInt Anger time in ticks 0 (Not angry)


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 VarInt Type (0: red, 1: snow) 0 (red)
17 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is sitting
0x02 Unused
0x04 Is crouching
0x08 Is interested
0x10 Is pouncing
0x20 Is sleeping
0x40 Is faceplanted
0x80 Is defending
18 OptUUID First UUID (in UUIDs NBT)? Absent
19 OptUUID Second UUID (in UUIDs NBT)? Absent


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Boolean Is trusting false


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Integer Breed timer? Set to 32 when something happens, and then counts down to 0 again. At 29 and 14 (before counting down), will play the entity.panda.cant_breed sound event. 0
17 Integer Sneeze timer. Counts up from 0; when it hits 1 the entity.panda.pre_sneeze event plays and when it hits 21 the entity.panda.sneeze event plays (and it is set back to 0 and the sneeze flag is cleared). 0
18 Integer Eat timer. If nonzero, counts upwards. 0
19 Byte Main Gene 0
20 Byte Hidden Gene 0
21 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Unused
0x02 Is sneezing
0x04 Is rolling
0x08 Is sitting
0x10 Is on back


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Boolean Has saddle false
17 VarInt Total time to "boost" with a carrot on a stick for 0

Whenever a carrot on a stick is used, if the pig is not currently boosting it will start to boost for 140 to 980 (inclusive) ticks. When boost time is changed, a counter is reset which counts up to the boost time, after which boosting will stop. The value remains set at its modified value even after boosting is stopped.


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 VarInt Type 0


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 BlockPos Home pos (0, 0, 0)
17 Boolean Has egg false
18 Boolean Is laying egg false
19 BlockPos Travel pos (0, 0, 0)
20 Boolean Is going home false
21 Boolean Is traveling false

Polar Bear

Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Boolean Is standing up false


Extends Animal.

No additional metadata.


Extends Animal.

No additional metadata.


Extends Cow.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 String Variant ("red" or "brown") red


Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x0F Color ID
0x10 Is sheared

Tameable Animal

Extends Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is sitting
0x02 Unused
0x04 Is tamed
17 OptUUID Owner Absent


Extends Tameable Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
18 VarInt Type (0 = tabby, 1 = black, 2 = red, 3 = siamese, 4 = british_shorthair, 5 = calico, 6 = persian, 7 = ragdoll, 8 = white, 9 = all_black) 1
19 Boolean Is lying false
20 Boolean Is relaxed? (This makes their head go slightly upwards, unknown when used) false
21 VarInt Collar color (values are those used with dyes) 14 (Red)


Extends Tameable Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
18 Boolean Is begging false
19 VarInt Collar color (values are those used with dyes) 14 (Red)


Extends Tameable Animal.

Index Type Meaning Default
18 VarInt Variant (0: red/blue, 1: blue, 2: green, 3: yellow/blue, 4: grey) 0

Abstract Villager

Extends Ageable Mob.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 VarInt Head shake timer (starts at 40, decrements each tick) 0


Extends Abstract Villager.

Index Type Meaning Default
17 Villager Data Villager Data Plains/None/1

Wandering Trader

Extends Abstract Villager.

No additional metadata.

Abstract Golem

Extends Pathfinder Mob.

No additional metadata.

Iron Golem

Extends Abstract Golem.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is player-created

Snow Golem

Extends Abstract Golem.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0x10
0x00 Has no pumpkin hat
0x10 Has pumpkin hat


Extends Abstract Golem.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Direction Attach face Down (0)
16 OptPosition Attachment position Absent
17 Byte Shield height 0
18 Byte Color (dye color) 10 (purple)


Extends Pathfinder Mob.

No additional metadata.


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is on fire


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 VarInt State (-1 = idle, 1 = fuse) -1
16 Boolean Is charged false
17 Boolean Is ignited false


Extends Monster.

No additional metadata.


Extends Monster.

No additional metadata.


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Boolean Is retracting spikes false
16 VarInt Target EID 0

Elder Guardian

Extends Guardian.


Extends Monster.

No additional metadata.


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 boolean Is celebrating false

"Is celebrating" appears to control the pose for vindicators and does not appear to be used by other types.

Abstract Illager

Extends Raider.

No additional metadata.


Extends Abstract Illager.


Extends Abstract Illager.

Spellcaster Illager

Extends Abstract Illager.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Byte Spell (0: none, 1: summon vex, 2: attack, 3: wololo, 4: disappear, 5: blindness) 0


Extends Spellcaster Illager.


Extends Spellcaster Illager.


Extends Raider.

No additional metadata.


Extends Raider.

Index Type Meaning Default
16 Boolean Is drinking potion false

Evoker Fangs

Extends Entity.

No additional metadata.


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is attacking

Abstract Skeleton

Extends Monster.

No additional metadata.


Extends Abstract Skeleton.

Wither Skeleton

Extends Abstract Skeleton.


Extends Abstract Skeleton.


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Byte Bit mask Meaning 0
0x01 Is climbing


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 VarInt Center head's target (entity ID, or 0 if no target) 0
16 VarInt Left head's target (entity ID, or 0 if no target) 0
17 VarInt Right head's target (entity ID, or 0 if no target) 0
18 VarInt Invulnerable time 0


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Boolean Is baby false
16 VarInt Unused (previously type) 0
17 Boolean Is becoming a drowned false

Zombie Villager

Extends Zombie.

Index Type Meaning Default
18 Boolean Is converting false
19 Villager Data Villager Data Plains/None/1


Extends Zombie.

No additional metadata.


Extends Zombie.

No additional metadata.

Zombie Pigman

Extends Zombie.

No additional metadata.


Extends Monster.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Opt BlockID Carried block Absent
16 Boolean Is screaming false
17 Boolean Is staring false

Ender Dragon

Extends Mob.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 VarInt Dragon phase 10 (hover)

Phases (according to the wiki page on dragon data values) are:

  • 0: circling
  • 1: strafing (preparing to shoot a fireball)
  • 2: flying to the portal to land (part of transition to landed state)
  • 3: landing on the portal (part of transition to landed state)
  • 4: taking off from the portal (part of transition out of landed state)
  • 5: landed, performing breath attack
  • 6: landed, looking for a player for breath attack
  • 7: landed, roar before beginning breath attack
  • 8: charging player
  • 9: flying to portal to die
  • 10: hovering with no AI (default when using the /summon command).


Extends Mob.

No additional metadata.


Extends Flying.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 Boolean Is attacking false


Extends Flying.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 VarInt Size 0

Hitbox size is determined by horizontal=0.9 + 0.2*size and vertical=0.5 + 0.1 * i


Extends Mob.

Index Type Meaning Default
15 VarInt Size 1

Llama Spit

Extends Entity.

Abstract Minecart

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 VarInt Shaking power 0
8 VarInt Shaking direction 1
9 Float Shaking multiplier 0.0
10 VarInt Custom block ID and damage 0
11 VarInt Custom block Y position (in 16ths of a block) 6
12 Boolean Show custom block false

If show custom block is false, then each type of Minecart will render its own type of block with its own properties. Note that one does not need to send these values for the metadata fields, as the client will automatically select them if show custom block is false. They are only provided for reference to help with swapping out other blocks.

  • Rideable Minecarts contain air (0:0) and have a y position of 6
  • Chest Minecarts contain chests facing north (54:0) and have a y position of 8
  • Furnace Minecarts contain a normal furnace facing north when unpowered (61:0) and a lit furnace facing north when powered (62:0) and have a y position of 6 in both cases
  • Hopper Minecarts contain a hopper (154:0) and have a y position of 1
  • TNT Minecarts contain TNT (46:0) and have a y position of 6
  • Command block minecarts contain a Command Block (137:0) and have a y position of 6
  • Spawner Minecarts contain a spawner (52:0) and have a y position of 6


Extends Abstract Minecart.

No additional metadata.

Abstract Minecart Container

Extends Abstract Minecart.

No additional metadata.

Minecart Hopper

Extends Abstract Minecart Container.

No additional metadata.

Minecart Chest

Extends Abstract Minecart Container.

No additional metadata.

Minecart Furnace

Extends Abstract Minecart.

Index Type Meaning Default
13 Boolean Has fuel false

Minecart TNT

Extends Abstract Minecart.

No additional metadata.

Minecart Spawner

Extends Abstract Minecart.

No additional metadata.

Minecart Command Block

Extends Abstract Minecart.

Index Type Meaning Default
13 String Command
14 Chat Last output {"text":""}

Primed Tnt

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
7 VarInt Fuse time 80