Pre-release protocol

Revision as of 17:01, 28 November 2023 by imported>WinX64 (1.20.3-pre3)
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This page documents the changes from the last stable Minecraft release (currently 1.20.2, protocol 764) to the current pre-release (currently 1.20.3-pre3, protocol Snapshot 166). Note that this page contains bleeding-edge information that may not be completely or correctly documented.

One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into Protocol when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.


Data types


The NBT specification was changed so that the root tag is no longer required to be a Compound Tag when sent over the network.

Presently in the pre-release, only Compound Tag and String Tag types are used as root, but the Notchian server/client implementation is able to handle NBT Tags of any type.


The Chat type is now serialized as a NBT Tag instead of a JSON String, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Name Size (bytes) Encodes Notes
Chat ≥ 1
≤ (262144×4) + 3
See Chat Encoded as a String with max length of 262144.
Chat Varies See Chat Encoded as a NBT Tag, with the type of tag used depending on the case:
  • As a String Tag: For components only containing text (no styling, no events etc.).
  • As a Compound Tag: Every other case.

This affects the following packets and data types containing Chat fields:

However, the following are NOT affected, as to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions:


Particle Name Particle ID Data
minecraft:ambient_entity_effect 0 None
minecraft:angry_villager 1 None
minecraft:block 2
Field Name Field Type Meaning
BlockState VarInt The ID of the block state.
minecraft:block_marker 3
Field Name Field Type Meaning
BlockState VarInt The ID of the block state.
minecraft:bubble 4 None
minecraft:cloud 5 None
minecraft:crit 6 None
minecraft:damage_indicator 7 None
minecraft:dragon_breath 8 None
minecraft:dripping_lava 9 None
minecraft:falling_lava 10 None
minecraft:landing_lava 11 None
minecraft:dripping_water 12 None
minecraft:falling_water 13 None
minecraft:dust 14
Field Name Field Type Meaning
Red Float The red RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
Green Float The green RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
Blue Float The blue RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
Scale Float The scale, will be clamped between 0.01 and 4.
minecraft:dust_color_transition 15
Field Name Field Type Meaning
From Red Float The start red RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
From Green Float The start green RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
From Blue Float The start blue RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
Scale Float The scale, will be clamped between 0.01 and 4.
To Red Float The end red RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
To Green Float The end green RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
To Blue Float The end blue RGB value, between 0 and 1. Divide actual RGB value by 255.
minecraft:effect 16 None
minecraft:elder_guardian 17 None
minecraft:enchanted_hit 18 None
minecraft:enchant 19 None
minecraft:end_rod 20 None
minecraft:entity_effect 21 None
minecraft:explosion_emitter 22 None
minecraft:explosion 23 None
minecraft:gust 24 None
minecraft:gust_emitter 25 None
minecraft:sonic_boom 24 26 None
minecraft:falling_dust 25 27
Field Name Field Type Meaning
BlockState VarInt The ID of the block state.
minecraft:firework 26 28 None
minecraft:fishing 27 29 None
minecraft:flame 28 30 None
minecraft:cherry_leaves 29 31 None
minecraft:sculk_soul 30 32 None
minecraft:sculk_charge 31 33
Field Name Field Type Meaning
Roll Float How much the particle will be rotated when displayed.
minecraft:sculk_charge_pop 32 34 None
minecraft:soul_fire_flame 33 35 None
minecraft:soul 34 36 None
minecraft:flash 35 37 None
minecraft:happy_villager 36 38 None
minecraft:composter 37 39 None
minecraft:heart 38 40 None
minecraft:instant_effect 39 41 None
minecraft:item 40 42
Field Name Field Type Meaning
Item Slot The item that will be used.
minecraft:vibration 41 43
Field Name Field Type Meaning
Position Source Type Identifier The type of the vibration source
Block Position Position The position of the block the vibration originated from. Only present if Position Type is minecraft:block.
Entity ID VarInt The ID of the entity the vibration originated from. Only present if Position Type is minecraft:entity.
Entity eye height Float The height of the entity's eye relative to the entity. Only present if Position Type is minecraft:entity.
Ticks VarInt The amount of ticks it takes for the vibration to travel from its source to its destination.
minecraft:item_slime 42 44 None
minecraft:item_snowball 43 45 None
minecraft:large_smoke 44 46 None
minecraft:lava 45 47 None
minecraft:mycelium 46 48 None
minecraft:note 47 49 None
minecraft:poof 48 50 None
minecraft:portal 49 51 None
minecraft:rain 50 52 None
minecraft:smoke 51 53 None
minecraft:white_smoke 54 None
minecraft:sneeze 52 55 None
minecraft:spit 53 56 None
minecraft:squid_ink 54 57 None
minecraft:sweep_attack 55 58 None
minecraft:totem_of_undying 56 59 None
minecraft:underwater 57 60 None
minecraft:splash 58 61 None
minecraft:witch 59 62 None
minecraft:bubble_pop 60 63 None
minecraft:current_down 61 64 None
minecraft:bubble_column_up 62 65 None
minecraft:nautilus 63 66 None
minecraft:dolphin 64 67 None
minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke 65 68 None
minecraft:campfire_signal_smoke 66 69 None
minecraft:dripping_honey 67 70 None
minecraft:falling_honey 68 71 None
minecraft:landing_honey 69 72 None
minecraft:falling_nectar 70 73 None
minecraft:falling_spore_blossom 71 74 None
minecraft:ash 72 75 None
minecraft:crimson_spore 73 76 None
minecraft:warped_spore 74 77 None
minecraft:spore_blossom_air 75 78 None
minecraft:dripping_obsidian_tear 76 79 None
minecraft:falling_obsidian_tear 77 80 None
minecraft:landing_obsidian_tear 78 81 None
minecraft:reverse_portal 79 82 None
minecraft:white_ash 80 83 None
minecraft:small_flame 81 84 None
minecraft:snowflake 82 85 None
minecraft:dripping_dripstone_lava 83 86 None
minecraft:falling_dripstone_lava 84 87 None
minecraft:dripping_dripstone_water 85 88 None
minecraft:falling_dripstone_water 86 89 None
minecraft:glow_squid_ink 87 90 None
minecraft:glow 88 91 None
minecraft:wax_on 89 92 None
minecraft:wax_off 90 93 None
minecraft:electric_spark 91 94 None
minecraft:scrape 92 95 None
minecraft:shriek 93 96
Field Name Field Type Meaning
Delay VarInt The time in ticks before the particle is displayed
minecraft:egg_crack 94 97 None
minecraft:dust_plume 98 None
minecraft:gust_dust 99 None
minecraft:trial_spawner_detection 100 None


ID Packet name Documentation
Configuration clientbound
0x06 Resource Pack (configuration) Current
0x06 Remove Resource Pack (configuration) Pre
0x07 Add Resource Pack (configuration) Pre
0x07 0x08 Feature Flags Current Pre
Configuration serverbound
0x05 Resource Pack Response (configuration) Current Pre
Play clientbound
0x1E Explosion Current Pre
0x20 Game Event Current Pre
0x42 Reset Score Pre
0x42 Resource Pack (play) Current
0x43 Remove Resource Pack (play) Pre
0x44 Add Resource Pack (play) Pre
0x43 0x45 Respawn Current (unchanged)
0x44 0x46 Set Head Rotation Current (unchanged)
0x45 0x47 Update Section Blocks Current (unchanged)
0x46 0x48 Select Advancements Tab Current (unchanged)
0x47 0x49 Server Data Current (unchanged)
0x48 0x4A Set Action Bar Text Current (unchanged)
0x49 0x4B Set Border Center Current (unchanged)
0x4A 0x4C Set Border Lerp Size Current (unchanged)
0x4B 0x4D Set Border Size Current (unchanged)
0x4C 0x4E Set Border Warning Delay Current (unchanged)
0x4D 0x4F Set Border Warning Distance Current (unchanged)
0x4E 0x50 Set Camera Current (unchanged)
0x4F 0x51 Set Held Item Current (unchanged)
0x50 0x52 Set Center Chunk Current (unchanged)
0x51 0x53 Set Render Distance Current (unchanged)
0x52 0x54 Set Default Spawn Position Current (unchanged)
0x53 0x55 Display Objective Current (unchanged)
0x54 0x56 Set Entity Metadata Current (unchanged)
0x55 0x57 Link Entities Current (unchanged)
0x56 0x58 Set Entity Velocity Current (unchanged)
0x57 0x59 Set Equipment Current (unchanged)
0x58 0x5A Set Experience Current (unchanged)
0x59 0x5B Set Health Current (unchanged)
0x5A 0x5C Update Objectives Current Pre
0x5B 0x5D Set Passengers Current (unchanged)
0x5C 0x5E Update Teams Current (unchanged)
0x5D 0x5F Update Score Current Pre
0x5E 0x60 Set Simulation Distance Current (unchanged)
0x5F 0x61 Set Subtitle Text Current (unchanged)
0x60 0x62 Update Time Current (unchanged)
0x61 0x63 Set Title Text Current (unchanged)
0x62 0x64 Set Title Animation Times Current (unchanged)
0x63 0x65 Entity Sound Effect Current (unchanged)
0x64 0x66 Sound Effect Current (unchanged)
0x65 0x67 Start Configuration Current (unchanged)
0x66 0x68 Stop Sound Current (unchanged)
0x67 0x69 System Chat Message Current (unchanged)
0x68 0x6A Set Tab List Header And Footer Current (unchanged)
0x69 0x6B Tag Query Response Current (unchanged)
0x6A 0x6C Pickup Item Current (unchanged)
0x6B 0x6D Teleport Entity Current (unchanged)
0x6E Set Ticking State Pre
0x6F Step Tick Pre
0x6C 0x70 Update Advancements Current (unchanged)
0x6D 0x71 Update Attributes Current (unchanged)
0x6E 0x72 Entity Effect Current (unchanged)
0x6F 0x73 Update Recipes Current Pre
0x70 0x74 Update Tags Current (unchanged)
Play serverbound
0x0F Change Container Slot State Pre
0x0F 0x10 Serverbound Plugin Message (play) Current (unchanged)
0x10 0x11 Edit Book Current (unchanged)
0x11 0x12 Query Entity Tag Current (unchanged)
0x12 0x13 Interact Current (unchanged)
0x13 0x14 Jigsaw Generate Current (unchanged)
0x14 0x15 Serverbound Keep Alive (play) Current (unchanged)
0x15 0x16 Lock Difficulty Current (unchanged)
0x16 0x17 Set Player Position Current (unchanged)
0x17 0x18 Set Player Position and Rotation Current (unchanged)
0x18 0x19 Set Player Rotation Current (unchanged)
0x19 0x1A Set Player On Ground Current (unchanged)
0x1A 0x1B Move Vehicle Current (unchanged)
0x1B 0x1C Paddle Boat Current (unchanged)
0x1C 0x1D Pick Item Current (unchanged)
0x1D 0x1E Ping Request (play) Current (unchanged)
0x1E 0x1F Place Recipe Current (unchanged)
0x1F 0x20 Player Abilities Current (unchanged)
0x20 0x21 Player Action Current (unchanged)
0x21 0x22 Player Command Current (unchanged)
0x22 0x23 Player Input Current (unchanged)
0x23 0x24 Pong (play) Current (unchanged)
0x24 0x25 Change Recipe Book Settings Current (unchanged)
0x25 0x26 Set Seen Recipe Current (unchanged)
0x26 0x27 Rename Item Current (unchanged)
0x27 0x28 Resource Pack Response (play) Current Pre
0x28 0x29 Seen Advancements Current (unchanged)
0x29 0x2A Select Trade Current (unchanged)
0x2A 0x2B Set Beacon Effect Current (unchanged)
0x2B 0x2C Set Held Item Current (unchanged)
0x2C 0x2D Program Command Block Current (unchanged)
0x2D 0x2E Program Command Block Minecart Current (unchanged)
0x2E 0x2F Set Creative Mode Slot Current (unchanged)
0x2F 0x30 Program Jigsaw Block Current Pre
0x30 0x31 Program Structure Block Current (unchanged)
0x31 0x32 Update Sign Current (unchanged)
0x32 0x33 Swing Arm Current (unchanged)
0x33 0x34 Teleport To Entity Current (unchanged)
0x34 0x35 Use Item On Current (unchanged)
0x35 0x36 Use Item Current (unchanged)

New/modified data types

No changes so far.

Entity Metadata

Type (VarInt Enum) Value (Varies) Notes
0 Byte
1 VarInt
2 VarLong
3 Float
4 String
5 Chat
6 OptChat (Boolean + Chat) Chat is present if the Boolean is set to true
7 Slot
8 Boolean
9 Rotation 3 Floats: rotation on x, rotation on y, rotation on z
10 Position
11 OptPosition (Boolean + Position) Position is present if the Boolean is set to true
12 Direction (VarInt) (Down = 0, Up = 1, North = 2, South = 3, West = 4, East = 5)
13 OptUUID (Boolean + UUID) UUID is present if the Boolean is set to true
14 BlockID (VarInt)
15 OptBlockID (VarInt) 0 for absent (implies air); otherwise, a block state ID as per the global palette
16 NBT
17 Particle
18 Villager Data 3 VarInts: villager type, villager profession, level
19 OptVarInt 0 for absent; 1 + actual value otherwise. Used for entity IDs.
21 Cat Variant A VarInt that points towards the CAT_VARIANT registry.
22 Frog Variant A VarInt that points towards the FROG_VARIANT registry.
23 OptGlobalPos (Boolean + GlobalPos) GlobalPos consists of a dimension identifier and Position.
24 Painting Variant A VarInt that points towards the PAINTING_VARIANT registry.
25 Sniffer State A VarInt enum: IDLING = 0, FEELING_HAPPY = 1, SCENTING = 2, SNIFFING = 3, SEARCHING = 4, DIGGING = 5, RISING = 6
26 Vector3 3 Floats: x, y, z
27 Quaternion 4 Floats: x, y, z, w

Abstract Vehicle

Extends Entity.

Index Type Meaning Default
8 VarInt Shaking power 0
9 VarInt Shaking direction 1
10 Float Shaking multiplier 0.0

Abstract Minecart

Extends Abstract Vehicle.

Index Type Meaning Default
8 VarInt Shaking power 0
9 VarInt Shaking direction 1
10 Float Shaking multiplier 0.0
11 VarInt Custom block ID and damage 0
12 VarInt Custom block Y position (in 16ths of a block) 6
13 Boolean Show custom block false


Extends Abstract Vehicle.

Index Type Meaning Default
8 VarInt Time since last hit 0
9 VarInt Forward direction 1
10 Float Damage taken 0.0
11 VarInt Type (0=oak, 1=spruce, 2=birch, 3=jungle, 4=acacia, 5=dark oak) 0
12 Boolean Is left paddle turning false
13 Boolean Is right paddle turning false
14 VarInt Splash timer 0

Block Actions

No changes so far.


No changes so far.

Plugin Channels

No changes so far.



No changes so far.


No changes so far.



No changes so far.


No changes so far.



Remove Resource Pack (configuration)

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x06 Configuration Client Has UUID Boolean Whether a specific resource pack should be removed, or all of them.
UUID Optional UUID The UUID of the resource pack to be removed. Only present if the previous field is true.

Add Resource Pack (configuration)

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x07 Configuration Client UUID UUID The unique identifier of the resource pack.
URL String (32767) The URL to the resource pack.
Hash String (40) A 40 character hexadecimal, case-insensitive SHA-1 hash of the resource pack file.
If it's not a 40 character hexadecimal string, the client will not use it for hash verification and likely waste bandwidth.
Forced Boolean The Notchian client will be forced to use the resource pack from the server. If they decline they will be kicked from the server.
Has Prompt Message Boolean Whether a custom message should be used on the resource pack prompt.
Prompt Message Optional Chat This is shown in the prompt making the client accept or decline the resource pack. Only present if the previous field is true.

Feature Flags

Used to enable and disable features, generally experimental ones, on the client.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x07 0x08 Configuration Client Total Features VarInt Number of features that appear in the array below.
Feature Flags Identifier Array

As of 1.20.2 1.20.3, the following feature flags are available:

  • minecraft:vanilla - enables vanilla features
  • minecraft:bundle - enables support for the bundle
  • minecraft:trade_rebalance - enables support for the rebalanced villager trades
  • minecraft:update_1_21 - enables support for 1.21 features


Resource Pack Response (configuration)

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x05 Configuration Server
UUID UUID The unique identifier of the resource pack received in the Add Resource Pack (configuration) request.
Result VarInt Enum 0: successfully loaded, 1: declined, 2: failed download, 3: accepted. Result ID (see below).

Result can be one of the following values:

ID Result
0 Successfully downloaded
1 Declined
2 Failed to download
3 Accepted
4 Downloaded
5 Invalid URL
6 Failed to reload
7 Discarded




Sent when an explosion occurs (creepers, TNT, and ghast fireballs).

Each block in Records is set to air. Coordinates for each axis in record is int(X) + record.x

There is currently a disparity in the Notchian implementation between the data that is read from and written to the network. The write logic only serializes the particle id for the fields Small explosion particle and Large explosion particle, while the read logic expects the particle id and extra required data. See MC-266537 for more information.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x1E Play Client X Double
Y Double
Z Double
Strength Float A strength greater than or equal to 2.0 spawns a minecraft:explosion_emitter particle, while a lesser strength spawns a minecraft:explosion particle.

If the strength is greater or equal to 2.0, or the block interaction is not 0 (keep), large explosion particles are used. Otherwise, small explosion particles are used.

Record Count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Records Array of (Byte, Byte, Byte) Each record is 3 signed bytes long; the 3 bytes are the XYZ (respectively) signed offsets of affected blocks.
Player Motion X Float X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
Player Motion Y Float Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
Player Motion Z Float Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion.
Block interaction VarInt Enum 0 = keep, 1 = destroy, 2 = destroy_with_decay, 3 = trigger_block.
Small explosion particle VarInt The particle ID listed in the particle data type.
Large explosion particle VarInt The particle ID listed in the particle data type.
Explosion sound Sound Name Identifier The name of the sound played.
Has Fixed Range Optional Boolean Whether is has fixed range.
Range Optional Float The fixed range of the sound. Only present if previous boolean is true.

Game Event

Used for a wide variety of game events, from weather to bed use to game mode to demo messages.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x20 Play Client Event Unsigned Byte See below.
Value Float Depends on Event.


Event Effect Value
0 No respawn block available Note: Displays message 'block.minecraft.spawn.not_valid' (You have no home bed or charged respawn anchor, or it was obstructed) to the player.
1 Begin raining
2 End raining
3 Change game mode 0: Survival, 1: Creative, 2: Adventure, 3: Spectator.
4 Win game 0: Just respawn player.
1: Roll the credits and respawn player.
Note that 1 is only sent by Notchian server when player has not yet achieved advancement "The end?", else 0 is sent.
5 Demo event 0: Show welcome to demo screen.
101: Tell movement controls.
102: Tell jump control.
103: Tell inventory control.
104: Tell that the demo is over and print a message about how to take a screenshot.
6 Arrow hit player Note: Sent when any player is struck by an arrow.
7 Rain level change Note: Seems to change both sky color and lighting.
Rain level ranging from 0 to 1.
8 Thunder level change Note: Seems to change both sky color and lighting (same as Rain level change, but doesn't start rain). It also requires rain to render by Notchian client.
Thunder level ranging from 0 to 1.
9 Play pufferfish sting sound
10 Play elder guardian mob appearance (effect and sound)
11 Enable respawn screen 0: Enable respawn screen.
1: Immediately respawn (sent when the doImmediateRespawn gamerule changes).
12 Limited crafting 0: Disable limited crafting.
1: Enable limited crafting (sent when the doLimitedCrafting gamerule changes).
13 Start waiting for level chunks Instructs the client to begin the waiting process for the level chunks.
Sent by the server after the level is cleared on the client and is being re-sent (either during the first, or subsequent reconfigurations).

Reset Score

This is sent to the client when it should remove a scoreboard item.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x42 Play Client Entity Name String (32767) The entity whose score this is. For players, this is their username; for other entities, it is their UUID.
Has Objective Name Boolean Whether the score should be removed for the specified objective, or for all of them.
Objective Name Optional String (32767) The name of the objective the score belongs to. Only present if the previous field is true.

Remove Resource Pack (play)

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x43 Play Client Has UUID Boolean Whether a specific resource pack should be removed, or all of them.
UUID Optional UUID The UUID of the resource pack to be removed. Only present if the previous field is true.

Add Resource Pack (play)

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x44 Play Client UUID UUID The unique identifier of the resource pack.
URL String (32767) The URL to the resource pack.
Hash String (40) A 40 character hexadecimal, case-insensitive SHA-1 hash of the resource pack file.
If it's not a 40 character hexadecimal string, the client will not use it for hash verification and likely waste bandwidth.
Forced Boolean The Notchian client will be forced to use the resource pack from the server. If they decline they will be kicked from the server.
Has Prompt Message Boolean Whether a custom message should be used on the resource pack prompt.
Prompt Message Optional Chat This is shown in the prompt making the client accept or decline the resource pack. Only present if the previous field is true.

Update Objectives

This is sent to the client when it should create a new scoreboard objective or remove one.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5A 0x5C Play Client Objective Name String (32767) A unique name for the objective.
Mode Byte 0 to create the scoreboard. 1 to remove the scoreboard. 2 to update the display text.
Objective Value Optional Chat Only if mode is 0 or 2.The text to be displayed for the score.
Type Optional VarInt Enum Only if mode is 0 or 2. 0 = "integer", 1 = "hearts".
Has Number Format Optional Boolean Only if mode is 0 or 2. Whether this objective has a set number format for the scores.
Number Format Optional VarInt Enum Only if mode is 0 or 2 and the previous boolean is true. Determines how the score number should be formatted.
Number Format Field Name
0: blank no fields no fields Show nothing.
1: styled Styling Compound Tag The styling to be used when formatting the score number. This is similar to a Chat, but only the styling fields are present.
2: fixed Content Chat The text to be used as placeholder.

Update Score

This is sent to the client when it should update a scoreboard item.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x5D 0x5F Play Client Entity Name String (32767) The entity whose score this is. For players, this is their username; for other entities, it is their UUID.
Action VarInt Enum 0 to create/update an item. 1 to remove an item.
Objective Name String (32767) The name of the objective the score belongs to.
Value Optional VarInt The score to be displayed next to the entry. Only sent when Action does not equal 1.
Has Display Name Boolean Whether this score has a custom display name.
Display Name Optional Chat The custom display name. Only present if the previous boolean is true.
Has Number Format Boolean Whether this score has a set number format. This overrides the number format set on the objective, if any.
Number Format Optional VarInt Enum Determines how the score number should be formatted. Only present if the previous boolean is true.
Number Format Field Name
0: blank no fields no fields Show nothing.
1: styled Styling Compound Tag The styling to be used when formatting the score number. This is similar to a Chat, but only the styling fields are present.
2: fixed Content Chat The text to be used as placeholder.

Set Ticking State

Used to adjust the ticking rate of the client, and whether it's frozen.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6E Play Server Tick rate Float
Is frozen Boolean

Step Tick

Advances the client processing by the specified number of ticks. Has no effect is the client ticking is not frozen.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6F Play Client Tick steps VarInt

Update Recipes

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x6F 0x73 Play Client Num Recipes VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Recipe Type Array Identifier The recipe type, see below.
Recipe ID Identifier
Data Varies Additional data for the recipe.

Recipe types:

Type Description Data
minecraft:crafting_shapeless Shapeless crafting recipe. All items in the ingredient list must be present, but in any order/slot. As follows:
Name Type Description
Group String (32767) Used to group similar recipes together in the recipe book. Tag is present in recipe JSON.
Category VarInt Enum Building = 0, Redstone = 1, Equipment = 2, Misc = 3
Ingredient count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Ingredients Array of Ingredient.
Result Slot
minecraft:crafting_shaped Shaped crafting recipe. All items must be present in the same pattern (which may be flipped horizontally or translated). As follows:
Name Type Description
Width VarInt
Height VarInt
Group String (32767) Used to group similar recipes together in the recipe book. Tag is present in recipe JSON.
Category VarInt Enum Building = 0, Redstone = 1, Equipment = 2, Misc = 3
Width VarInt
Height VarInt
Ingredients Array of Ingredient Length is width * height. Indexed by x + (y * width).
Result Slot
Show notification Boolean Show a toast when the recipe is added.
minecraft:crafting_special_armordye Recipe for dying leather armor As follows:
Name Type Description
Category VarInt Enum Building = 0, Redstone = 1, Equipment = 2, Misc = 3
minecraft:crafting_special_bookcloning Recipe for copying contents of written books
minecraft:crafting_special_mapcloning Recipe for copying maps
minecraft:crafting_special_mapextending Recipe for adding paper to maps
minecraft:crafting_special_firework_rocket Recipe for making firework rockets
minecraft:crafting_special_firework_star Recipe for making firework stars
minecraft:crafting_special_firework_star_fade Recipe for making firework stars fade between multiple colors
minecraft:crafting_special_repairitem Recipe for repairing items via crafting
minecraft:crafting_special_tippedarrow Recipe for crafting tipped arrows
minecraft:crafting_special_bannerduplicate Recipe for copying banner patterns
minecraft:crafting_special_shielddecoration Recipe for applying a banner's pattern to a shield
minecraft:crafting_special_shulkerboxcoloring Recipe for recoloring a shulker box
minecraft:crafting_special_suspiciousstew Recipe for crafting suspicious stews
minecraft:crafting_decorated_pot Recipe for crafting decorated pots
minecraft:smelting Smelting recipe As follows:
Name Type Description
Group String (32767) Used to group similar recipes together in the recipe book.
Category VarInt Enum Food = 0, Blocks = 1, Misc = 2
Ingredient Ingredient
Result Slot
Experience Float
Cooking time VarInt
minecraft:blasting Blast furnace recipe
minecraft:smoking Smoker recipe
minecraft:campfire_cooking Campfire recipe
minecraft:stonecutting Stonecutter recipe As follows:
Name Type Description
Group String (32767) Used to group similar recipes together in the recipe book. Tag is present in recipe JSON.
Ingredient Ingredient
Result Slot
minecraft:smithing_transform Recipe for smithing netherite gear As follows:
Name Type Description
Template Ingredient The smithing template.
Base Ingredient The base item.
Addition Ingredient The additional ingredient.
Result Slot
minecraft:smithing_trim Recipe for applying armor trims As follows:
Name Type Description
Template Ingredient The smithing template.
Base Ingredient The base item.
Addition Ingredient The additional ingredient.

Ingredient is defined as:

Name Type Description
Count VarInt Number of elements in the following array.
Items Array of Slot Any item in this array may be used for the recipe. The count of each item should be 1.


Change Container Slot State

This packet is sent by the client when toggling the state of a Crafter.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x0F Play Server Slot ID VarInt This is the ID of the slot that was changed.
Window ID VarInt This is the ID of the window that was changed.
State Boolean The new state of the slot. True for enabled, false for disabled.

Resource Pack Response (play)

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x27 Play Server
UUID UUID The unique identifier of the resource pack received in the Add Resource Pack (play) request.
Result VarInt Enum 0: successfully loaded, 1: declined, 2: failed download, 3: accepted. Result ID (see below).

Result can be one of the following values:

ID Result
0 Successfully downloaded
1 Declined
2 Failed to download
3 Accepted
4 Invalid URL
5 Failed to reload
6 Discarded

Program Jigsaw Block

Sent when Done is pressed on the Jigsaw Block interface.

Packet ID State Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
0x2F Play Server Location Position Block entity location
Name Identifier
Target Identifier
Pool Identifier
Final state String (32767) "Turns into" on the GUI, final_state in NBT.
Joint type String (32767) rollable if the attached piece can be rotated, else aligned.
Selection priority VarInt
Placement priority VarInt