These features are currently implemented in Realcraft.
- Cross-platform support
- MySQL database support (partial completion, see planned features)
- Player ranks
- Server and world-specific options
- Player position saving/loading
- Chat and command support
- Player ping list (in-game tab window) support (includes user colors and actual pings)
- Entity actions such as sprinting and crouching
These features have yet to be implemented into Realcraft, but are planned for the future.
- Use libnoise for world generation
- Player authentication using
- Better entity management
- Sending player spawn messages to other players
- Prerequisite: Fix entity management
- MySQL database support (partial completion, see implemented features)
- Player whitelist and blacklist support (MySQL tables are in-place for such features)
- Server logging
- Access logs for chests
- Entry logs for areas, some moderation so they cannot spam the logs by leaving/entering the area repeatedly in a small period
- Chat and command history
- Attempted access for blocked chests (i.e. chest owner X banned Y player, Y player tries to access chest)
- Chest/door/area protection (MySQL tables are in-place for such features)
- Anti-cheat system
- Kick player if cheating suspected, note in logs
- No player teleporting (flying, moving fast, etc.) unless generated by server
- No arbitrarily placing blocks/items without checking item in hand first
- Player must be looking at chest/door in order to open/close the object
- Anti-spam in chat
- Kick player if spam detected, note in logs
- Be tolerant of network latency issues causing Minecraft to re-send chat messages
- Need to see why this actually occurs. If TCP frames are being repeated, this is already fixed by Realbasic's TCPSocket class
- Detection of players entering/leaving areas
- Need to create a caching system that is both fast (will be queued every time someone moves) and is also self-managed by MySQL tables
- Stop movement of players entering areas they're banned from
- More in-game commands